Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC
Full Name chuck d'adamo


Date Heading
05/02/08 May Day in Chicago 2008
10/25/06 Indypendent Reader Distribution
08/25/06 Black and White Photography Workshop
07/24/06 The Indypendent: Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza
07/24/06 Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza: Some Reports
06/29/06 Camden Yards Cleaners March to Peter Angelos
05/22/06 Camden Yards Cleaners Take Protest to RFK Stadium
05/15/06 "Indypendent Reader" Release Party May 18
04/03/06 Can You Afford Your Housing? "Are You Part of the Plan?"
01/16/06 Indymedia Writing Workshop
11/28/05 East Baltimore: A Conversation between David Harvey & Marisela Gomez
08/02/05 Black & White Photo Workshop Aug. 6
04/11/05 People's Bus Tour of B'more - April 17
03/10/05 B/W Photography Workshop II
12/25/04 Tomb of (Historical) Jesus Found
12/24/04 Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights
12/07/04 Howard Zinn speaks on "Re-inventing Peace" - Dec. 8
12/01/04 Baltimore Rising - Meet on Saturday - Call to Unite Baltimore Radicals against the Presidential Inauguration
11/24/04 Bush Madness Linked to Physical Disease
11/22/04 What's up with NY and Chicago IMCs?
11/21/04 The B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT to Bring U.S. Soldiers Home From Iraq, Monday, Nov. 22!!
11/09/04 Solidarity with Locked-Out Hotel Workers; Arrests
10/12/04 "Voices of Dissent" from Iraq War
09/20/04 Megadeath Labs Opposed in Frederick, Maryland
09/12/04 The Supreme Court and "Enemy Combatants": A Victory for No One
08/20/04 The new Rome and the RNC
08/10/04 "Uncovered: The War on Iraq"
05/01/04 A24: IMF/WB, Some Notes, A Question
04/11/04 Civil Rights Advocate Blasts Bush’s Criminal War-Making
04/02/04 Workers set to protest Sweatshop labor pools at Camden Yards
02/27/04 Nader Revolutionary Re-Framer
02/09/04 After FTAA: Interview with Baltimore Activist Mike McGuire
02/08/04 After FTAA: An Interview with Baltimore Activist Mike McGuire
02/08/04 The Global Justice Movement: Reflections on 2003 and Prospects for 2004
01/29/04 After FTAA: An Interview With Local Activist Ryan Harvey
01/28/04 local activist sent to federal prison with 26 others
01/26/04 join BARC! for our first action to fight HLS jan 30th
01/11/04 "Zapatista Rebellion 10 Years After: Potluck & Speakers"
01/10/04 Protest: Ford Holds U.S. Hostage to Oil
01/06/04 National Summit on PetroPolitics
01/06/04 National Summit on PetroPolitics
12/12/03 Contact Board of Estimates over Woodberry Forest
12/05/03 Bleak Times at The Baltimore Sun's Message Board
12/04/03 Report-Back From FTAA Miami Protests
12/04/03 Rally against the FTAA & CAFTA
11/23/03 Market and State in Miami on November 21
11/22/03 FTAA Protesters Brutalized in Miami!
11/21/03 Baltimore says NO! FTAA
11/21/03 From Puppets to Rubber Bullets: Baltimore IMC reports on the FTAA protests in Miami (Thursday)
11/21/03 FTAA Protest in Review
10/02/03 Immigrant Workers Rally in Baltimore
09/18/03 Speech on the American Dream, Globalization, & the FTAA
09/18/03 Speech on World Trade Organization & FTAA
09/16/03 Speech on Free Trade Area of the Americas
09/08/03 Militarism, Neoliberalism and Capitalism
08/25/03 DC Laundry Workers Tired of Waiting
08/18/03 A Call for 20,000 Voices
08/07/03 Concerned Father
07/14/03 Baltimore City Council Calls for Inquiry into Arrests of Activists
06/28/03 Police Arrest Activists Protesting Bus Fare Hike
06/02/03 Live from Geneva--G8 Protests
05/19/03 Police Arrest Two Peace Activists Outside Andrews Air Force Base
05/14/03 Baltimore Videographer Wins "Adbusters" Contest
05/10/03 Israeli Forces Raid ISM Office
04/20/03 Black Unionists Condemn Bush's War on Diversity
04/05/03 120 Rally to Commemorate Martin Luther King
04/03/03 Montreal G-20 Riot Trial
03/31/03 Students & Labor March Together for Justice
03/20/03 Baltimoreans Take to the Streets Protesting the War: Downtown Protest
03/17/03 Remarks on the Iraq Crisis & the Closing of Political Discourse
03/01/03 Response to NPR's Scott Simon's and Daniel Shore's Caricature of the Peace Movement
03/01/03 The Impending War on Iraq: An Attack on Peace, Democracy and Security
01/23/03 "Political Policing" and the Deaths of the Dawson Family
01/21/03 Anti War Movement Emerges in Central Mexico
01/15/03 Baltimore City Council Declares Opposition to War against Iraq
01/11/03 Activists Protest Threat to Civil Liberties from INS
01/10/03 Update: Jaggi Singh Has Been Deported to Canada
01/10/03 The Black Radical Congress Opposes a Military Attack on the People of Iraq
01/09/03 Jaggi Singh Nabbed in Jerusalem
12/21/02 60 March To War Memorial Plaza To Protest War Against Iraq
12/19/02 "A Slow Process Of Ethnic Cleansing"
12/17/02 Labor Needs To Take A Clear Stand Against The War
12/17/02 Maryland Green Party Retains Party Status Through 2006
12/11/02 Domino Sugar Workers On Strike
12/01/02 Planning For A New Ireland--A New Future
12/01/02 HERE Local 5 In Hawaii Executive Board Opposes U.S. "War On Terrorism"
11/29/02 Duluth, MN Central Labor Council Anti-War Resolution
11/26/02 Stop Consumerism And War
11/09/02 Bowling For Columbine
11/04/02 An Open Exchange On Whether To Vote Green Party Or Democratic Party In New York's Elections
10/31/02 Leave In Preview Mode
10/31/02 Activists Rally In Support Of Question P
10/17/02 The Mirror Of Truth Tour In Maryland
10/14/02 No Further Reason To Vote For Democrats & Republicans Who Voted To Hand Power To Declare War On Iraq To Bush
10/01/02 S28: IMF/World Bank Policies & The AIDS Crisis
09/15/02 Teach-In: Mobilization Against IMF/World Bank
08/28/02 August 24: What Did Happen At The Progressive Action Center?
08/22/02 Recent Incidents
08/05/02 Maryland Green Party Candidates Turn In Over 4,600 Signatures
07/31/02 Racist Scum, Your Time Will Come
07/09/02 G-8 Summit Protests: Participant Report And Commentary. Part II.
07/09/02 G-8 Summit Protests: Participant Report And Commentary. Part I.
06/07/02 Nightmares Of Reason: Sorting Fact From Fiction In 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
06/04/02 Build Bridges, Not Bombs - Memorial Day Action On 28th Street!
04/24/02 April 22 Street Protest In Support Of The Palestinians
04/23/02 Woe To The Poor Aryan Soldier!
04/16/02 Guide To April 19-22 Protests In DC For Baltimore Activists
02/27/02 NEFAC
02/21/02 Interview From Recent Visitor With RAWA To Pakistan
02/11/02 Baltimore Activists Join 15,000 At Protests Against World Economic Forum
01/13/02 Solidarity Wins Over Hate
12/21/01 Battle For Buenos Aires
12/20/01 Fighting Continues At Plaza De Mayo
11/20/01 RAWA Benefit With Towson Unitarians
10/24/01 A Roundup On The War In Afghanistan
07/23/01 A New Syndicalism

Date Book
10/06/03 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride: Baltimore Rally
09/07/04 August 29 United for Peace & Justice: A Photoessay
05/03/04 A24: IMF & World Bank Protest in DC
01/19/03 Production of Space, Destruction of Place, Erasure of Memory: A Photoessay on Stadiums in Baltimore
10/03/05 September 24: Protest US War in Iraq
01/24/03 January 18 Protest Against War in Iraq: A Photoessay
09/18/07 September 15 Protest against Iraq War

Date Heading
01/31/08 Feb 6: Baltimore Indymedia Presents: Brad, One More Night at the Barricades
09/29/07 Indypendent Reader No. 5: "Hard at Work1"
05/18/07 Workers Tour the State to Demand Living Wage: Day Laborers at Camden Yards Protest Poverty Wages
05/12/07 Al Giordano on the Zapatista “Other Campaign” and the Oaxacan Peoples’ Assemblies
04/04/07 Locals Protest 'Vulture Capitalists' and the Iraqi War

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