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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police : Military : Peace : Protest Activity

Police Arrest Two Peace Activists Outside Andrews Air Force Base

Police arrest two peace activists outside Andrews Air Force base in Prince Georges County, MD. The activists were among a group of ten who came to protest an air show.
The Baltimore Emergency Response Network, the Jonah House and Washington, D.C.'s Dorothy Day Catholic Worker have been organizing demonstrations over the years against the air show at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George's County, Maryland. It is the largest air show in the world, and it glorifies militarism.

Ten activists from Baltimore and Washington brought banners and placards and stood on a public sidewalk on Allentown Road some distance from one of the gates at Andrews. Almost immediately, numerous police cars drove in front of the modest demonstration. One police official who said he was the chief of police of Morningside, MD ordered the protesters to leave.

When Max Obuszewski asked for his name, he was handcuffed and placed in a police car. The others moved across the street but were again threatened with arrest unless they left town. Gary Ashbeck asked for a police officer's badge number and he was arrested. The police continued to taunt the demonstrators saying we don't have badge numbers here and you are not allowed to be here.

The two protesters were charged with failure to obey a lawful order, a possible 60 days/$500 fine, and ordered to appear in court for trial on July 8. They were released on personal recognizance.

Information: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or

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