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LOCAL News :: Right Wing

Woe To The Poor Aryan Soldier!

The second nazi rally in 4 months in York, PA draws less than twenty. The power of militant direct action against fascist organizing is demonstrated in the retreat of several fascist groups who refused to return to York after being physically run out of town on January 12. Never let them have the streets.
Woe to the poor Aryan soldier!
Aryan Nation rally draws less than 20

Perhaps the decrepit Butler faction of the Aryan Nations thought they could do by themselves what five more vigorous fascist groups combined could not: hold a successful white power rally in York. On January 12, the National Alliance, World Church of the Creator, Eastern Hammerskins, National Socialist Movement, and the rebel Aryan Nations faction got themselves swiftly run out of town by a spontaneous union of east coast antifascist militants and York residents from the surrounding neighborhoods.

This time around Butler had promised a force of 350 fascists from Aryan Nations and supporting groups. By pulling such a victory from the jaws of defeat the 84 year old nazi must have hoped he might regain control over what was once thought to be the premier white power organization in the States. In the end around a dozen Aryan Nationšs members behind the protection of several hundred state and city police, spoke on the York County Courthouse steps for about twenty minutes with no amplification and were escorted out in police vans.

The whole proceedings elicited little more than a yawn from the gathered city folk opposed to the nazi posturing. Small groups of friends and family came mostly it seems to witness what kind of idiots there are to be found in the world. Other youth came to see if a similar response as was given last time would be needed again today. Anti-Racist Action brought 40 people ready to support whatever direction locals wanted to take it. But before long it became clear to everyone there was no where to take it. Who needs to flog dead horses, especially with hundreds of riot cops with no badges milling around? A mild chorus of taunts accompanied the frail Butler and his crew as they made their back alley get away. And a few shouts of "They know they can't mess with York!" offered a proper summing up of the days events.

Today puts to rest nazi claims of victory on January 12. At least one nazi crew backed out of the rally due to insufficient police protection! All the other organizations that were offered another free pulpit in York decided the costs were too high. Now no amount of bullshitting can cover their retreat. And the lesson for anti-fascists is just as clear: always shut them down. We beat them so bad January 12, nobody needed to lift a finger this time around.

The National Alliance looks to be planning big for their May 11 demo outside the Israeli embassy. While walking pickets in the isolated embassy neighborhoods is definitely a far cry from holding a presence in the mean streets of America's cities, allowing any type of street presence is too much of a concession. In particular we refuse to let the NA cop any type of "anti-imperialist" line or claim any solidarity with the Palestinian struggle which they cynically invoke to build anti-semitism and white power politics in general in the States.

Baltimore Anti-Racist Action


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