Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC
Full Name chuck d'adamo


Date Heading
05/02/08 May Day in Chicago 2008
10/25/06 Indypendent Reader Distribution
08/25/06 Black and White Photography Workshop
07/24/06 The Indypendent: Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza
07/24/06 Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza: Some Reports

Date Book
10/06/03 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride: Baltimore Rally
09/07/04 August 29 United for Peace & Justice: A Photoessay
05/03/04 A24: IMF & World Bank Protest in DC
01/19/03 Production of Space, Destruction of Place, Erasure of Memory: A Photoessay on Stadiums in Baltimore
10/03/05 September 24: Protest US War in Iraq
01/24/03 January 18 Protest Against War in Iraq: A Photoessay
09/18/07 September 15 Protest against Iraq War

Date Heading
01/31/08 Feb 6: Baltimore Indymedia Presents: Brad, One More Night at the Barricades
09/29/07 Indypendent Reader No. 5: "Hard at Work1"
05/18/07 Workers Tour the State to Demand Living Wage: Day Laborers at Camden Yards Protest Poverty Wages
05/12/07 Al Giordano on the Zapatista “Other Campaign” and the Oaxacan Peoples’ Assemblies
04/04/07 Locals Protest 'Vulture Capitalists' and the Iraqi War
03/18/07 Pentagon Focus of a Spirited Peace Demonstration
02/10/07 David Simon: “We’re Headed Towards Separate Americas!”
02/06/07 How to Revive a Spiritually Dead America in One Easy Lesson!
06/09/06 Indypendent Reader, Summer 2006
04/13/06 The Ehrlich Report
04/05/06 Can You Afford Your Housing? "Are You Part of the Plan?"
12/07/05 The Ehrlich Report
11/27/05 East Baltimore: A Conversation between David Harvey & Marisela Gomez
09/25/05 The Mother of All Anti-War Rallies
04/18/05 Labor’s Role in Baltimore’s History Fondly Recalled
02/20/05 Austin, TX: John's Indyconference Dispatch #1

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