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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : History : Labor

People's Bus Tour of B'more - April 17

People's History Bus Tour:

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The bus will leave the Progressive Action Center (PAC) at 2:30pm and return at 6:30pm.
Address: 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore, MD 21218
People's History Bus Tour of Baltimore

Baltimore wasn't built overnight. It wasn't built by any single group of men. Baltimore was made by working people: women and men, black and white. There's more to the history of Baltimore than Harborplace and the Shot Tower! Discover aspects of the social history of those who made Baltimore by joining the People's History Bus Tour.

Sunday, April 17, 2005
(rain or shine)

The bus will leave the Progressive Action Center (PAC) at 2:30pm and return at 6:30pm.
Address: 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore, MD 21218

Tickets: $10
To reserve a seat, make checks out to "Research Associates Foundation" (RAF) and mail to
address above; stop by the PAC between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday; stop by Red Emma's.

Basics of the Tour:

1) Federal Hill:
* Economic development in Baltimore
* Baltimore labor history: garment industry, canning industry, the "Baltimore Soviet"
(maritime workers), Bethlehem Steel Shipyards

2) Roundhouse at the B&O Museum (a drive through):
* B&O rail workers strike 1877
* Economic development: Jones Falls river, paving it over for highway, etc.

3) Sandtown/Winchester:
* Black Baltimore
* Housing and civil rights struggles

4) Hamden:
* History of a white working class mill town past and present

5) Hoffman Park:
* Johns Hopkins, biotechnology development, & East Baltimore

6) Broening Highway:
* Autoworkers at General Motors plant, loss of Baltimore manufacturing industry base,
O'Donnell Heights neighborhood

Presenters include:
Bill Barry (Labor Studies Program, Dundalk Community College)
Bill Harvey (Local labor historian)
Neil Hertz (Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University)
Glenn Ross (Community activist)
Norman Yancey (Community Building in Partnership)
Linda Zeidman (History Dept., Essex Community College)

Sponsors: The Contemporary Museum & the Progressive Action Center/RAF
Information:; 410.243.3913

Note: Out of the first People's History Bus Tour came "The Baltimore Book: New Views of Local History," edited by E. Fee, L. Shopes, L. Zeidman. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991 .

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