Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization : Latin America : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

Rally against the FTAA & CAFTA

Support immigrant rights, higher labor and environmental standards, and public services. Rally against the FTAA and CAFTA in Washington, DC
December 7, 12-2:00pm in Malcolm X (Meridian) Park.
Support immigrant rights, higher labor and environmental standards, and public services.

Rally against the FTAA and CAFTA
Washington, DC
December 7, 12-2:00
Malcolm X (Meridian) Park
16th and Euclid NW

Mobilize to stop the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) ­ the next step toward the FTAA and the Bush administration’s cynical use of "free trade agreements" to expand a system of corporate rule.

The Bush administration has been moving quickly and quietly for the past 10 months to “negotiate” a free trade agreement with five nations of Central America in order to regain momentum toward the hemisphere wide FTAA. The CAFTA is to be completed during the final round of negotiations in Washington, D.C. the week of December 8-12, 2003.

Defeating CAFTA will set back the already reeling FTAA process, perhaps for good. Throughout Central America and the U.S. people have been organizing. Join housands who have marched in Managua, San Salvador, San Jose, Houston and New Orleans.

Rally: December 7th 12-2:00 PM Malcolm X (Meridian) Park, 16th and Euclid, NW. Washington, D.C.
March: 2-3:00 PM, pass conference site
(Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Conn.) to Farragut Square.

Information:, or

Rally sponsored by Nicaragua Network, Quixote Center, Network in Solidarity with Guatemala (NISGUA), Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), MILPA, US/El Salvador Sister Cities Program, Witrness for Peace, FMLN-DC, Campaign for Labor Rights, others.

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