Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Crime & Police

"Political Policing" and the Deaths of the Dawson Family

Eric Easton, a community activist in the Resevoir Hill neighborhood, comments on policing in Baltimore City and the tragic deaths of the Dawson family.
The year 2003 is bringing in the reality of the falling of the house of cards of Mayor Martin O'Malley. His house of cards was built on the premise of "Political Policing".

Three years ago, after winning the Mayoral election in Baltimore City, he recruited Ed Norris, from New York City, to head his "Political Policing" strategy here in Baltimore. Most citizens of Baltimore wanted "Community Policing", which is practiced in South Carolina by Chief Rueben Greenberg, in Houston by Chief Lee Brown, and advocated in Baltimore by community activists, and organizations like "The Peoples Plan", and Dr. Tyrone Powers.

Commissioner Ed Norris resigned as O'Malley's "Political Policing" pointman, and returned to his Republican roots, after using the Baltimore City Police Department, to help elect Robert Ehrlich governor. Now, Ed Norris will receive a generous pension and severance pay from O'Malley and the City Council for failure.

The failure of "Political Policing" is most evident in what happened to the Dawson Family. This family needed "Community Policing" help, which would have had a solid Community and Police connection, that would have known what this family was enduring, and what the perpetrator was doing in that community, before that fatal night.

The current acting Police Chief of Baltimore City is implementing some foot patrolling in each district. This is part of "Community Policing". I hope the failed policies of "Political Policing" are over, in the name and memory of the Dawson Family, and all victims of violence, in Baltimore City.

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