News :: Peace
Bush Madness Linked to Physical Disease
"After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." whined George W. Bush about Saddam Hussein. Actually, it may be worse than that. Sources close to the Army Medical Corp believe that someone, probably agents of Saddam Hussein, ruined Bush's family by poisoning the drinking water with iodine or lithium at one of the Bushes' homes. Family dog Millie, George, Barbara, and son Marvin have all contracted Auto Immune Diseases. The odds of these incidences of the diseases in one family are very long. Could this be the reason for the Iraq war? Could the current president have a disease that is affecting his mind so badly?

Barbara Bush, wife of ex-President George Bush, became a high profile Graves' disease statistic in 1989, only for her husband to contract the disease 18 months later. The odds of both spouses developing the same autoimmune condition are estimated at more than one in 10,000, increasing to a remarkable one in 3 million of it happening within a period of 2 years. Read the full story at Graves' Disease - the Heart of the Matter
and then click on Rebecca Blatt's My Graves' Disease Timeline for a graphic first-hand personal account of her frustrations in obtaining a correct diagnosis and her tribulations during treatment.
Genes and iodine cause it.
The same man whom the media is quoting about the thyroid cancer of Chief Justice Rehnquist, Kenneth Burman, MD, was assigned to Bush Sr's case when the Bush family had a sudden onset of autoimmune diseases in 1991. Bush later nominated him for the rare Legion of Merit medal. According to recent reports, Burman is the man who determined the reason for the sudden outbreak of illness was a sudden supply of bad water at the family home in Kennebunkport, Maine. Sources close to Army investigators of this assure that the bad water was a covert assassination attempt by Saddam Hussein against Bush. Whatever it was, it ruined his health and his wife's, caused his son Marvin to have part of his colon removed, and even harmed their dog.
George W. has a very strong genetic predisposition to Graves' disease, possibly drank the same water, and probably was exposed to his father while his father was radioactive because of radiation therapy (which exposure also can cause thyroid damage). He is displaying symptoms already. Does this seem more motivation for George W. Bush's attack against Iraq than alleged WMD and Saddam ties to al-Qaeda?
The assassination attempt everyone thought Bush Jr was referring to was the April 1993 alleged attempt in Kuwait. Eleven Iraqis and three Kuwaitis were convicted of conspiring to detonate explosives near Bush during his visit. Bill Clinton ordered a missile attack on Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad. As reported, such a heavyhanded attempt with assured retaliation was unlikely. However, that may not have been the attempt Dubya was referring to, and another, covert, attempt may have been more or less successful. At least Dubya may believe so.
The current president's parents both have Graves' disease. According to Hossein Gharib, MD, fifty percent of either one's children will inherit the disease. Since both have it, that means Dubya's chances are 50% to 100%. The same doctor who the media is quoting about the thyroid cancer of Chief Justice Rhenquist, Dr. Kenneth Burman, also treated Bush's father and was involved in discussions at the time about the cause of Bush's father, mother, and dog getting Graves' disease. In one presidential interview, a questioner speculated that the Israeli Mossad intelligence service had poisoned the water at one of the Bush homes with lithium or iodine. Some have speculated since, that agents of Saddam Hussein poisoned the Bushes' water, as Saddam did make an attempt on the elder Bush's life.
Could revenge for an actual, successful, attack on the Bush family, instead of the well known attempt on George Bush Sr, be the real reason for the Iraq invasion of 2003 under orders from Bush Jr?
Graves' disease causes an overactive thyroid. That in turn has some symptoms consistent with Dubya's pretzel-choking/fainting spell in January 2002.
-- Feeling of fullness in the throat
-- Enlargement of the thyroid, known as goiter
-- Irregularities in blood pressure and heart rate.
The onset of Graves' frequently is during times of intense stress. Bush Sr noticed his during the first war against Iraq.
"The President's physicians should be looking carefully at his thyroid antibodies and conducting a complete thyroid bloodwork panel. Of course, Bush should level with the American people on this."
The media has already noticed some weight loss, one sign of Graves'. Some may remember the bug-eyed condition of his mother, who was treated for Graves' and eye problems.
This year, Bush put off his annual physical until after the election.
The public will be watching, too, just as they did the debates. Remember Bush's episodes of rapid-eye-blinking during the debates? "It is believed that the swelling [that eventually causes bulging of the eyes] is caused by antibodies attacking the tissues of the eye muscles. There may also be a sensitivity to light, and a continual feeling that there is something in the eyes." Could this be the cause of the rapid-eye-blinking?
Enlarged thyroid gland -- Should be observable from TV appearances.
Rapid heart beat (tachycardia) or heart palpitations
Smooth, velvety skin -- Should be observable on TV.
Tremor of the fingertips -- Should be noticed by associates and in writing/signature.
Still other symptoms are:
SWEATY PALMS -- The Bush campaign demanded a studio temperature of 70 degrees for the debates.
Weight loss
Fine brittle hair -- This is obvious in Bush photos.
RESTLESSNESS -- Remember Bush prancing about the stage in the debate, nearly bowling over the moderator?
Increased appetite
Changes in sex drive -- Ask Condi, or Jemima, or whatever her name is.
Muscle weakness, especially in the upper arms and thighs
SHORTENED ATTENTION SPAN -- Did you notice any disconnect between questions asked and answers given by Bush in the debates?
HEAT INTOLERANCE -- The Bush campaign demanded a studio temperature of 70 degrees for the debates.
INCREASED SWEATING -- Not when the studio temperature is kept at 70 degrees.
NERVOUSNESS AND IRRITABILITY -- Remember the eye-blinking and the retort to a reporter who asked a question without saying Mr. President: "Who are you addressing?"
Restless sleep or insomnia -- Gets up at 5 a.m. Doesn't look that ambitious to me.
ERRATIC BEHAVIOR -- This, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and there are other explanations for this.
Increased frequency of bowel movements -- He has this effect on lots of people -- he would scare the tar out of Hitler.
A current story in the Washington Times says that George, Barbara, and Marvin Bush lived for 5 months in 1967 at the site of a World War I-era chemical weapons dump in the Spring Valley section of Washington, DC. There does seem to be a statistically significant elevated incidence of autoimmune disease among residents and former residents of that community. George and Bar both have Graves' disease. Marvin Bush had regional enteritis, a colon disease. Millie Bush had lupus. All of these diseases are autoimmune diseases, like AIDS, in which the body attacks itself. Graves' is a form of hyperthyroidism -- overactive thyroid.
Another explanation was offered by the authors Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography":
As will shortly become clear, there would have been good reason to investigate Bush's frequent episodes of apoplectic rage as a causal factor in the autoimmune disorders of his immediate family circle. The most likely explanation for the afflictions of Millie and Barbara is that they were both driven frantic by George's obsessive and rage-filled outbursts in the White House family quarters. This may have included various forms of mental and even physical abuse. The emotional trauma of living with George would be more than enough to produce autoimmune problems in those around him.
Perhaps in an attempt to distract attention from this highly plausible path of investigation, Marilyn Quayle was sent forward to tell CNN of a plan to test the water at the vice president's residence at the Naval Observatory, where George and Barbara had lived for eight years before moving to the White House. Mrs. Quayle told the media that Bush's White House physicians had "ordered all sorts of tests" on the water in the vice president's residence, which is over a century old. "Obviously there is a little bit of concern," said Mrs. Quayle. "It seems a little bit much of a coincidence. I don't worry overmuch about it, but I think it's something that does bear looking into." Mrs. Quayle added that she hoped the results of the tests "relieve a lot of people's minds-- definitely, I hope they relieve mine."
Life with George Bush, father or son, must indeed be hell, but this is not the most likely explanation, certainly not for Marvin Bush. If either parent had it, he would have a 50-50 chance of getting it -- as would Dubya. But both parents have it, making Marvin's, and Dubya's, risks much greater. Stress is a factor in hyperthyroid disease, or at least the acute episodes of it. However, as unpleasant a man as George Sr undoubtedly is, saying that he gave his dog Millie lupus is a stretch. Even Cruella DeVil would have a hard time with that.
Another possibility, discussed at the time it was announced Bush had hyperthyroidism, was deliberate poisoning. Here is a quote from former President Bush Sr from an interview with Linda Douglas of KNBC, Jim Lampley of KCBS, and Paul Moyer of KABC in Los Angeles, California, on June 15, 1991. The interview was given just after Bush was hospitalized for heart fibrillation.
"Q. Are you still taking the medication?
The President. Yes, I take medication, and I've brought along my doctor [Dr. Colum Gordon], who's tethered out here somewhere, who would be glad to give you -- oops, he's not tethered out there somewhere. But if you really want it, on-camera question, I'm sure he'd be glad to answer it. I'm on medication. The medication is trying to get the thyroid in balance and guards against, in the process, fibrillation of the heart.
Incidentally, I think every other guy on the street has had a heart fibrillation. I have never seen so much mail from people across the country. Not only that, but they're all doctors. They're all telling me exactly what to do. We had a letter from one saying it was a conspiracy of the Mossad, which happens to be the very good security agency in Israel. It's the damnedest thing I have ever seen. "
Here is are some more quotes of the former president, made at a presidential news conference in Kennebunkport, Maine, on May 28, 1991.
"Q. They're saying that possibly you and Mrs. Bush and the dog, having gotten these autoimmune problems, that perhaps it's something to do with the water.
The President. Maybe the air. I don't know -- --
Q. You didn't know about it?
The President. No.
Q. Did you know it was being checked?
The President. Not checked. I just heard something on the television. I could hardly believe it.
The odds against two people in the family having -- the doctor told me, the thyroid specialist, one of the classic thyroid men, Colonel Burman, known for his expertise, told me the odds are one in three million. But many people live in the same house together, one of whom has thyroid -- so I'm not going to lose confidence in the water at the White House until we know a little more about this.
Q. How about two people and the dog?
The President. I feel very comfortable in looking into it. Well, two people and the dog, that's about one in 20 million. [Laughter]"
The above is revealing in more than one way. The physician the president cited was Kenneth Burman, MD, then a colonel and chief of endocrinology at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Doctor Burman, who is the chief of the endocrine section at Washington Hospital Center and professor of internal medicine at Georgetown University, is currently being consulted by the media about the thryroid cancer of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. (Rehnquist will not be able to swear Dubya in again, and might not live until the inauguration.)
Here's some more quotes from Bush, actually more an exchange with Dr. Lawrence Mohr, the White House physician, whom Bush repeatedly interrupted in typical Bush Clan rudeness. Bush didn't want the public to know the Secret Service was checking his water for lithium and iodine. His interruption about lead in the air was a red herring, and he successfully ended the line of questioning. This was from the same Kennebunkport interview:
Q. Doctor, what do you think of these reports of the water at the White House being -- --
Dr. Mohr. That's something that is being checked, largely to answer the kind of speculation that is being propagated right now. We have no reason to suspect that there's any problem, but we did ask the Secret Service to check the water for lithium and iodine, which are two substances known to cause thyroid problems. We think the probability of that being a cause of this is very small, but largely, just to allay any speculation, we're having that done.
Q. Are you doing anything as a precaution, like having bottled water put in?
Dr. Mohr. No, no. Nothing -- --
[Bush interrupts.]
The President. We usually take that anyway.
Dr. Mohr. Nothing unusual like that. Absolutely not.
Q. Was this initiated by the story last Friday, or was this something that the doctors had been thinking of looking at?
Dr. Mohr. This is something that we initiated, largely realizing that there might be some speculation about that, and so it's something that we asked the Secret Service to check into. And they have -- --
[Bush interrupts again.]
The President. What do they know about water? 9
Dr. Mohr. Well, they have the laboratory capability of checking water for -- --
Q. Now he's worried about it.
Dr. Mohr. -- -- checking water for unusual substances. They have the mechanisms for doing that and the contacts for doing that, and they actually do monitor -- --
[Bush takes over and changes the subject.]
The President. I'll tell you this, and make a medical contribution. You correct me if I'm wrong. But somebody asked one of our specialists, Colum or Ken Burman, about lead -- lead in the air. And they said that is impossible -- I mean, that's what he told me. Now, I don't know. You know, if there were pipes or something of that nature.
Q. There are no reports that we're aware of, of lead having any relationship to thyroid disease.
The President. But our motto is ``get the lead out,'' so let's -- [laughter] -- --