Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

The Mirror Of Truth Tour In Maryland

Voices in the Wilderness, Pax Christi, and other groups will be touring areas of the military-industrial complex in Maryland. They will visit near Aberdeen Proving Ground, Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Warfield Air National Guard Base, National Security Agency, and Fort Detrick.
On Sept. 12, Voices in the Wilderness joined Pax Christi New York and other concerned groups to begin the "Mirror of Truth" Bus Tour. The tour [began] a year and a day after the terrorist bombings of New York and Washington, D.C., and immediately after members of Voices in the Wilderness complete a 40-day fast to protest the beginning of the twelfth year of sanctions against Iraq. Even in 1999, UNICEF estimated that the sanctions had caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five.

"The tour is intended to focus attention on terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction [WMD]," said James Salt, one of the Tour's coordinators, and winner of New York Pax Christi's Young Peacemaker Award for 2002. "That's why we wanted to begin here, with the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center. But we need to go on, and examine other potential sites for terror. I mean, look at all the sites here in the U.S. where we make and distribute biological, chemical, and depleted uranium weapons. They're threats to the world, not to mention their local communities." "We'll be speaking at high schools, universities, faith communities, and other interested groups all over the New York City area," added Mary Anne Muller, another Tour coordinator, "and we plan a memorial service at the Pentagon, too."

The caravan [left] from New York City on a three-month trip visiting weapons sites and to speak all along the East Coast, ending at the gates of the School of the Americas during SOAWatch's annual vigil and protest in Ft. Benning, GA in November. The School of the Americas, recently renamed The Western Hemisphere Instituted for Security Cooperation [WHISC], exports terrorism by training visiting foreign security forces in torture and assassination. "We hope to show that our enemy is not Iraq or Afghanistan," said Rev. G. Simon Harak, S. J., "and that we are not their enemies. The common enemy for all of us are terror and these horrible weapons."

"The people who perpetrated this barbarous act think that by killing people and destroying buildings you can achieve a political goal....They are always wrong." --Secretary of State Colin Powell to CNN, September 11, 2001

Voices in the Wilderness, through the Mirror of Truth Tour, hopes to push all who enact or support violence, whether random or systematic, whether as leaders or followers, to look into the mirror facing us with this statement.


Tuesday, October 22--Aberdeen Proving Ground-Chemical & Biological Defense [sic] Command, Aberdeen, Maryland from 1 PM to 2 PM. Meet at AFSC, 4806 York Road [three blocks north of Coldspring Lane] at 12 noon to carpool to Aberdeen for the 1 PM vigil.

Join vigil at American Friends Service Committee, 4806 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 from 5 PM to 6 PM; potluck dinner afterwards; and 7 PM talk by Father Simon Harak et al of The Tour of Truth.

Wednesday, October 23--Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory [APL], Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20707. Leaflet workers from 8:30 AM to 9 AM. Meet at 325 E. 25th St. in Baltimore at 7:30 AM to carpool. Loyola College, Coldspring Lane & Charles St.--4 PM to 6 PM.

Thursday, October 24--Warfield Air National Guard Base, 2701 Eastern Boulevard, Middle River, Maryland. Vigil from 5 PM to 6 PM.

Friday, October 25-National Security Agency, 9800 Savage Road, Fort Meade, Maryland. Vigil from 12 noon to 1 PM.

Wednesday, October 30-Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. Vigil from 5 PM to 6 PM.

Contact: Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or

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