Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Media

What's up with NY and Chicago IMCs?

About 20 minutes ago (10/22; 10:00 p.m.) I posted this article to NYC Indymedia in their "local interest" section:

What Really Hit the South Tower?

One of their editors got rid of it ASAP. (I don't see it; I'm logged in and my threshold is -50.) That was fast. It took Stalin's censors much longer to remove ideas from the public's eye than NYC IMC.

Then there is the continued saga of Chicago IMC:

It has been down for a couple of weeks now. Why isn't it up?

This dovetails into my theory that if IMC collectives do not begin featuring material on some of the "heavier" issues of our time; e.g., 9-11, they all will be shut down or inoperable very soon.

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