Commentary :: Protest Activity
The Republic, the American Flag & the Left
The American Republic belongs to the people! I believe that antiwar activists, like Ron Kovic, a veteran of the Vietnam conflict, are the real patriots in the battle against the Iraqi War. Yet, Neocons, such as that repulsive William Kristol regularly wrap themselves in the American flag. He has no right to claim the flag as a symbol for his dubious cause. Isn’t it time the Antiwar Movement seized the patriotic initiative away from Kristol and his ilk?
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Commentary :: Baltimore MD
Labor’s Role in Baltimore’s History Fondly Recalled
The struggles of working class people and their contributions to Baltimore were examined via a bus tour of sites with historical relevance. On April 17, 2005, two buses left the Progressive Action Ctr., and visited areas that sparked stories about the Port and its longshoremen; Bethlehem Steel, the “Great Railroad Strike of 1877,” Mill Towns, the rebirth of neighborhoods and the battle to protect communities from powerful institutions. [The bus tour was organized by the Contemporary Museum and the Progressive Action Center in conjunction with the Museum's "Headquarters Workshop: Interventions in Social Space" held at the PAC April 16 & 17.]
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Protest Activity
The National Lawyers’ Guild: “Law for the People”
This article profiles the history, achievements, and future goals of the National Lawyers' Guild, with a focus on the Maryland chapter.
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Commentary :: Gender and Sexuality
Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities
This is the second in the Baltimore IMC series on sexual assault. In this installment, the authors, two Baltimore-based sociologists, present a cross-cultural look at domestic violence. As they write "Domestic violence knows no borders."
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News :: Activism
The 25th Anniversary of Food Not Bombs
The Food Not Bombs movement is unique in many ways. It’s rare for political movements to cross so many national boundaries and cultures. It’s unusual for a grassroots progressive movement to survive 25 years and still be entirely grassroots. Also, from the beginning, Food Not Bombs was multi-issue and encouraged the public and activists to see that all social injustices are connected. And, while it might seem strange today, Food Not Bombs was at the forefront of focusing on building the kind of society they wanted instead of trying to overthrow the current system. These activists believed they did not need to attack the oppressors to be in conflict with the state, but by simply doing what they believed was just, the authorities would attack and try to stop them.
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News :: Gender and Sexuality
The Ehrlich Report
April has been designated as Sexual Assault Awareness month. This report, the first of three commissioned by Baltimore IMC, deals with the basic statistics of sexual assault. It will be followed by articles on domestic violence in immigrant communities and by a first-hand report of working in a battered woman's shelter.
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News :: Baltimore MD
Workers' Opening Day One Week Away
Day laborers in the United Workers Association organize for a living wage at Camden Yards. With Opening Day now one week away, workers are organizing to continue their history-making campaign. Last week, a break came when a dialogue re-opened with the Baltimore Orioles' owner, Peter Angelos. Angelos has made a committment to the United Workers Association that he and the Orioles would ensure that workers would be paid the city living wage of $8.85 an hour beginning this season.
News :: Activism : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Coverage of the 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore
About 300 people held a spirited march and rally through West and downtown Baltimore opposing the continuing war and occupation of Iraq. 
See Baltimore Resistence Marches Against the War, Coverage of the 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore (w/ photos), and second anniversary of Iraq invasion and occupation.

See Baltimore Resistence Marches Against the War, Coverage of the 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore (w/ photos), and second anniversary of Iraq invasion and occupation.
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