Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Media
Baltimore Indymedia shutting down

In 2006, members of Baltimore IMC joined with members of the campbaltimore artist collective to found the Indypendent Reader. The IndyReader was published as a print quarterly with a similar mission as IMC. Much energy shifted from Baltimore IMC to the IndyReader in the following years.
Recently, both Baltimore IMC and the IndyReader have experienced low-points in activity. While Baltimore IMC has died as a collective, IndyReader kept publishing and now is 're-founding' with new collective energy.
Baltimore IMC will now be shut down to publishing. However, we are pleased to announced that the website of the Indypendent Reader is being re-developed. Readers who have hoped to see IMC back to publishing should be happy to learn that they can turn to the IndyReader online.
News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights
ACORN Breaks Into Foreclosed House to Restore it to its Former Owner
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Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Peace : War in Iraq
Medea Benjamin on "Toward a More Peaceful World" - Jan. 31
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Announcement :: Animal Rights
3 Baltimore Animal Rights Activists Illegally Arrested
Please call central booking of Baltimore to request that these activists be released and that they get vegan food.
Please call and support:
~Erin Marcus
~Aaron Ross
~Adam Ortberg
Central booking Number: (410) 545-8120
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Allies and Advisers Gathering: Building History Together
News :: Civil & Human Rights
Lobby Night! Feb. 9 – Fight to Protect Our First Amendment Rights
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Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Labor
Baltimore's worker owned Bicycle Shop

If you are a cyclist in Baltimore, then you must know about Baltimore's newest and only democratically owned bicycle shop. Only a few weeks old, the Baltimore Bicycle Works (BBW) is the newest edition to a city in dire need of pedaled transportation as well as worker ownership. Located at the trail-head of the Jones Falls trail on Falls rd. and Maryland Ave., it is the only bicycle shop that is in Mid-Town, making it it easily accessible. On top of that it is located in one of Baltimore's major transportation hubs. The Penn station, Charles and Saint Paul street, and the Jones Falls Expressway are all within spitting distance.
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News :: Baltimore MD : Economy
Baltimore Protest in Solidarity with Sit-In Workers
On Wed., Dec. 10, 2008, a demonstration at the Bank of America (BOA) was held in downtown Baltimore, MD. It was led by activists from the All Peoples Congress, among other groups, [including the Baltimore IWW, the International Socialist Organization, and members of the newly formed Baltimore Economic Crisis Response Network -ed] . The purpose of the protest was to show solidarity with the 200 Sit-In Republic Windows and Door Workers of Chicago, Il, whose plant has been shut down. The BOA canceled the companys financing. Its action left the workers without any severance and vacation pay. Critics are insisting that the BOA should use some of the billions of dollars it received in a recent federal-taxpayers-funded bailout to help the workers. The BOA, in turn, blames the company for this situation. For background, see:
For continuing updates on the situation at Republic, see chicago.indymedia.org
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