News :: Activism : Animal Rights : Baltimore MD
Baltimore Police Invoke Patriot Act to Arrest Reporter Recording False Arrest at Animal Rights Demo
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News :: Baltimore MD : Class : Economy : Labor
Baltimore Hotel Workers Stage March and Food Drive to Demand Contract

Full article with more photos: | Video (Youtube) from William Hughes
Coverage from the Indyreader: Unite Here! Marches on the Sheraton Hotel – Ron Kipling Williams
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Environment : Globalization : Protest Activity
Fri November 14th Coal Finance Day of Action
Coal finance day of action
Join us as we mobilize to STOP foreclosure on the climate!!!
Please join us in Baltimore Rising Tide's first action where we will demand that the banks stop investing in coal and mountain top removal, destroying Appalachia and threatening the health of our communities.
WHERE: Bank of America and Citi Bank on the corner of East Baltimore St. and Calvert St. (Near the Charles Center Metro Station)
WHEN: November 14th, 11am to 1pm
News :: Baltimore MD : Labor
United Workers Declare the Harbor a “Human Rights Zone”
The organization that last year won a living wage for its workers at Camden Yards announced on Saturday, October 25th at the Light Street Presbyterian Church they were in solidarity with the workers at the largest tourist venue in the city.
“After securing the living wage at Camden Yards, we decided to extend and expand the victory to include more low-wage workers in the city,” said Bennie Witherspoon, a leader in the United Workers and cleaner at Camden Yards. “We learned that through talking with workers at the Inner Harbor that they were experiencing many of the same human rights violations that we experienced at the stadium.”
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD
ACLU of Maryland Filing Public Information Requests on Behalf of Wide Range of Advocacy Groups from Across Maryland
“History shows us that our democracy works best when the voices of people are heard. The chilling of free speech puts our nation at risk,” said Rev. Andrew Foster Connors with Christian Peace Witness for Iraq.
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News :: Protest Activity
McCain classmate demonstrates against torture at USNA class reunion

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Commentary :: Activism
Policies for Repression
Although it's unclear to what extent the mass media (or as I, turning their own equivocations against them, have now taken to calling them, the ' self-described journalists' embedded in the national newspapers and networks) accurately relayed the events, anyone paying attention to the alternative press during the Republican National Convention knows the extent to which the city of St. Paul did everything in its power to violently and preemptively squash any manifestations of dissent. Most spectacular, perhaps, was the arrest of Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman along with her producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, and most troubling are the arrests of the RNC 8, members of the RNC Welcoming Committee, a group which did not plan a single protest itself, but who, due in part to the tales told by paid informants, are facing charges of 'Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism.'
Of course one could (and should) argue that this repression is the predictable extensions of the illegal and inhumane policies perpetrated as central components of the War on Terror, the new 'standards' for the use of torture and extrajudicial detainment from Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo coming home to roost. And, on the other hand, as anyone who's been involved in direct action activism for a while should recognize, the police in St. Paul were dishing out the latest variation on an old theme —- the practice of how to shut down a counter-summit protest in the United States having become something of a cottage industry for consultants like John Timoney, who cut his police state teeth during the 2000 protests against the RNC in Philadelphia, and went on to formulate what's been called 'The Miami Model' during the anti-FTAA protests in 2003.
Nevertheless, the recent events in St. Paul have brought to light a new element in this distressing constellation of surveillance, midnight raids at gunpoint, preemptive detention, and an ever expanding political expediency of the charge of 'terrorism'. While it's one thing for activists to suspect that the suppression of dissent is becoming a standard operating procedure, it's another thing entirely to see cities and police departments themselves recognizing this explicitly. The city of St. Paul was proud to announce that taxpayers would not bear the brunt of any lawsuits leveled against the city and its police response —- for it had had the foresight to compel the Republican Party itself (in other words, it's corporate sponsors) to take out an insurance policy which would indemnify the city against whatever claims the rabble might bring against it, to the tune of $10 million in coverage. Apparently, at least since the 2004 RNC protests in NYC, where settlements so far have run to at least $2 million, this kind of 'forward thinking' has become de rigeur for the host city of a convention wanting to make sure that the temporary elimination of civil liberties doesn't come at too high a cost.
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Interview :: Baltimore MD
Free Mix Radio: Marshall "Eddie" Conway: An Interview with a Political Prisoner
MP3 Download:
Part 1
Part 2
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