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Lawsuit: Baltimore City Council Holds Illegal Meetings. UPDATE: City Council President Sheila Dixon Testifies!
A community coalition fighting to downsize the Baltimore City Council has filed a suit accusing the Council of dirty political tricks.
UPDATE: Baltimore City Council President Sheila Dixon acknowledges that she may have violated Maryland's Open Meetings Act. But she didn't mean to.
UPDATE: Baltimore City Council President Sheila Dixon acknowledges that she may have violated Maryland's Open Meetings Act. But she didn't mean to.
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Baltimore Celebrates Peace
In opposition to the Bush administration's drive toward war in Iraq, 1,000 Baltimoreans protested for peace. The September 11 "Peace Path" was organized by Women in Black.
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"Baltimore Believe": The Black Art Of Propaganda

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The National Alliance--a Factsheet
The rally of the various right-wing, white supremacist groups in Washington, DC, August 24, was organized by the National Alliance. It is considered by many professional observers to be among the most dangerous of the neo-Nazi movement in the United States. This article looks at who they are and what they stand for.
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Fascists Countered In D.C.
On August 24, white supremacists representing the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator, and neo-nazi skinhead groups marched in D.C. for a rally at the Capitol. They were met by angry anti-fascist and anti-racist counter-demonstrators, while the police--out in full force--struggled to maintain distance between the two sides.
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The Indymedia Interview. Anthony Ratcliff: From L.A. Gang Culture To Ecosocialism
Anthony Ratcliff recently completed a masters in history at Morgan State University. An activist for over ten years and a member of the Black Radical Congress (B.R.C.), Ratcliff has been involved in the Baltimore activist community for three years doing work to build a chapter of the B.R.C. He has also been involved with the Baltimore Green Party. We talked to him about hip-hop culture, the B.R.C., Greens politics, and the demand for reparations. We met at One World Cafe in Charles Village. (This is the second in a series of interviews with Baltimore-area activists.)
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Meet Max Obusewski
This is the first in a Baltimore IMC series on political activists in town. In this installment we introduce Max O, a man who has been engaged at the forefront of progressive political movements for over 20 years.
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We Shall Not Forget - Hiroshima Remembrance Day
August 6th was the 57th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and the 18th commemoration in Baltimore. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki committee organized a remembrance of the event so that we do not forget the horrors of nuclearism.
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