About 300 people held a spirited march and rally through West and downtown Baltimore opposing the continuing war and occupation of Iraq. Links to related coverage.
About 300 people in marched in the streets of Baltimore to show their opposition to the US agression in Iraq on Saturday, March 19, 2005. The event, joined by cities across the world, marked two years since Bush's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country in violation of international laws and norms. Baltimore citizens along the march route, mostly African American, showed support as the colorful throng of people moved through their neighborhoods.

Photos from 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore
The events started at 12-Noon in St. Peter Claver Church on N. Fremont Avenue. One estimate of the crowd at that time was about 250 people in the Church. The size grew as others arrived later to join the march.
The march was led by people carrying a banner that read, "No War for Oil: U.S. Out of the Mid-East." Three creative local organizers walked on stilts at various times during the demonstrations, helping draw the interest of neighborhood observers.

Photos from 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore

Photos from 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore
A highlight of the march was astop made at the Mt. Clare Shopping Center. A U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Center is located in this predominantly African American neighborhood. Although military recruiting is known to target lower income people, it has been reported that African American recruiting is down by 40%.
(See Democracy Now Coverage of Counter-Recruiting Activism)

Photos from 3/19/2005 Antiwar March in Baltimore
Protesters carried coffins, including one draped with an American flag. People inside the recruiting center were witness to the coffin being placed on the ground outside of the door.
Additional Baltimore Coverage:
Baltimore Resistance Marches Against the War
Second Anniversary of Iraq Invation and Occupation
Other Coverage
New York Indymedia Coverage
US Indymedia Coverage