Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Elections & Legislation : Miscellaneous : Protest Activity
No Stolen Elections: First in a Series

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News :: Labor : Protest Activity
Voices from the Million Workers March
October 17th thousands of workers, activists and concerned citizens joined together at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. for the Million Workers March. The march was part of a new social movement organized around issues of social justice, workers rights, civil liberties and the role of the U.S. government abroad. A report from the streets with the voices of workers.
Commentary :: Activism
The meaning behind the message of the RNC protests
Reform, radical change and the meaning and styles of protest---this and more.
News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Globalization : Protest Activity
Global Liberation: Message of Hope and Resistance
Brief overview of the key themes in the new book "Global Liberation" edited by David Solnit, who visited Red Emma's book store and cafe October 19, 2004.
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News :: Activism
Taking to the streets with the Million Worker March
A report on the Million Worker March and the later march in solidarity with striking hotel workers.
Commentary :: Labor
"Million Worker March" a Spirited Success

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Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Globalization : War in Iraq
The Day After: Nov Three | Where to Be
Contingency plans are being made for a number of possible outcomes of the presidential election. Join others on Wednesday November 3 2004 at Center and Charles Streets 5pm, regardless of the outcome.
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Announcement :: Media
Oct. 13: Final Hearing on Public Access TV

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