News :: Baltimore MD : Children : Culture : Miscellaneous
Baltimore's "Free Books!" Charity in Dire Straits
I spend anywhere from three to eight hours every week sweating along
with a motley crew of local misfits, shelving, sorting, and hauling ton
after ton of written matter in a rowhouse basement in Baltimore. We
have no heat nor air conditioning, but still, every week, we come and
work. Volunteer night is Wednesday, but many of us also work on the
weekends, when we're open to the public. There are times when we're
freezing and we have to wear coats and gloves inside, making handling
books somewhat tricky; other times, we're all soaked with sweat, since
it's 90 degrees out and the basement is thick with bodies. One learns
to forget about personal space when working at The Book Thing,
since you can scarcely breathe without bumping into someone, and we are
all so accustomed to having to scrape by each other that most of us no
longer bother to say "excuse me" unless some particularly dramatic
brushing occurs.
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Commentary :: Activism
Bloomberg Fails to Intimidate Protesters

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Review :: Media
Baltimore IMC Open House Rousing Success

Interview :: Crime & Police : Crime & Police
A Conversation with Jeffrey Ian Ross
Local criminologist and author Jeffrey Ian Ross discusses the "convict criminology" movement and answers our questions about who commits crime and why, and what would it really take to reform the prison system.
Announcement :: Baltimore MD
Home Care Workers Town Hall Meeting: Tuesday August 24

Commentary :: Activism : Class : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war. The slogan from the Vietnam War protests deliberately speaks to this, "What if they had a war, and no one came?" The U.S. military is overwhelmingly recruited from the working class, and convincing our class as a whole to refuse to work for this blood money may be our best chance for both ending the war in Iraq and limiting the imperialist ambitions of the U.S. for future decades. (This essay is published simultaneously in 'The Northeastern Anarchist', #9, Summer/Fall 2004).
News :: Activism : Economy : Economy : Globalization : Labor
People's Sovereignty Movement Gathers to Challenge Corporate Rule
This is an account of a July 5, 2004 workshop in Santa Rosa, CA on the topic of challenging the legitimacy of corporate constitutional rights. The gathering featured Richard Grossman, who has researched and written extensively on challenging corporate constitutional rights, and Thomas Linzey, an attorney from Pennsylvania who has helped several townships enact ordinances that reassert the people's sovereignty over corporations. About fifty people attended the workshop.
CLICK to SEE: 10-Session Baltimore Corporate Study Group Forming
CLICK to SEE: 10-Session Baltimore Corporate Study Group Forming
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Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Class : Economy : Economy : Environment : Globalization : Labor : Media
"The Corporation" Documentary Closes Thursday Aug 5
Announcement that closing night of "The Corporation" documentary at the Charles Theater will be Thursday August 5. Includes commentary on the importance of challenging corporate constitutional "rights" in the spirit of the abolitionist movement that challenged the property right of slave ownership. Also includes a link to a review by DC Indymedia. The documentary opened July 23.
CLICK to SEE: 10-Session Baltimore Corporate Study Group Forming
CLICK to SEE: 10-Session Baltimore Corporate Study Group Forming
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