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Philip Berrigan, Anti-War Activist, Dies At Home In Baltimore

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Interview With Nadine Strossen, President Of The ACLU
Discussion with Nadine Strossen, President of the American Civil Liberties Union. Indymedia interviewed Strossen by telephone. Strossen discussed the plight of civil liberties in the US today and revealed urgent information about the erosion of our rights, the ACLU's position that grass-roots struggle will be key to defending our rights, the bi-partisan nature and history of the dismantling of civil liberties and the possibility of impeaching George Bush.
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A Tale Of Two Campuses: The Struggle For A Living Wage
Students and community members gathered on the grounds of a public university known in Maryland for educating future teachers and on the grounds of the first research university in the United States, the recipient of one of the largest amounts of military research contracts, to protest the lack of a living wage, adequate health care, and workers' rights for contractual services workers on their campuses A report on the protests. (Photos by Neale Stokes)
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Argentina's Factories: Now Producing Revolution!
Penny Howard lives in Baltimore and visited Argentina in August of 2002. She shares her observations of workers who have occupied and operated factories in Argentina after capitalists left the country in an economic crisis as a direct result of IMF and World Bank policies. This article previously appeared in Left Turn (October/November 2002).
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The New Imperialism
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Baltimore's Progressive Action Center, co-founder David Harvey gave the First Annual Ric Pfeffer Lecture to an audience of 100 activists and intellectuals on October 25, 2002. The year the PAC was born was also the year Harvey published The Limits to Capital, a book the New Left Review described as a "major work of economic theory." With the publication of this work and through seven more books, most famously The Condition of Postmodernity, Harvey developed a Marxian theoretical approach he calls "historical-geographical materialism" focusing analysis on the "spatial fix" in the process of capital accumulation. David Harvey's work can help us understand the dynamics of imperialism and his keynote speech was on "The New Imperialism." What follows is the text of his speech (transcribed by Jean Cushman). The question-answer discussion with Harvey as well as other material from the PAC's celebration will follow as a separate post. -- Chuck D'Adamo
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The Enigma Of Scott Ritter
Former Marine Corps officer Scott Ritter opposes the Bush administration's plans for war against Iraq. As a weapons inspector for the United Nations, Ritter found no evidence that Iraq is developing weapons of mass destruction. A discussion of Scott Ritter, an unlikely activist protesting US foreign policy.
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One Hundred Thousand Turn Out At WDC Peace Demonstration
Protesters filled a 14-block perimeter around the White House today in the largest antiwar demonstration in the US in at least a decade.
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Progressive Action Center Celebrates Twenty Years!
The Progressive Action Center, located in east Baltimore, celebrates its twentieth anniversary the weekend of October 25th. David Harvey, author of The Limits to Capital, presents the keynote speech on "The New Imperialism." An overview of the Center's founding and history. (Photo by Janine D'Adamo)
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