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The Horrific Conditions Of The Baltimore City Detention Center For Women
A first hand account by a woman currently incarcerated at the Baltimore City Detention Center for Women
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Racial/Ethnic Profiling
This is a review of the legal, sociological, and journalistic writings about racial/ethnic profiling. It concludes with a set of patches designed to reduce stops and searches which are intentionally discriminatory.
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Aftermath Of 911 And The War On Terrorism
The annual Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists met in Havana June 2002. The Conference is a project of the Radical Philosophy Association. Cliff DuRand spoke on the Bush Administration's "War on Terrorism" as part of a roundtable discussion.
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No Option: Part Two
The conclusion of No Option: The Gorsuch Avenue Trash Uprising. In the aftermath of a highly publicized demonstration, Mayor Martin O'Malley defends his administration, police make arrests, and local activist David Bramble finally sees the payoff for eight years of work.
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The Legacy Of Ric Pfeffer

Ric Pfeffer had a passionate commitment to social justice. And he knew it takes struggle to move society toward that goal. For most of his life he engaged in that struggle....
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Baltimore Hours: Baltimore Prints Its Own "Money"
With printed bills and a directory of individuals and businesses that accept them, a local currency program called Baltimore Hours formally launched in May. Organizers hope to strengthen Baltimore's economy with this new method of exchange that keeps resources within city limits and is linked to a living wage.
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World Premiere Documentary Film: No Option
Baltimore's Harford Road was blocked by trash dumping activists in February. Two were arrested. What's happened since then? Watch the world premiere of No Option to see the story unfold. The first half of this twelve-minute documentary is presented as two quicktime files. The second half will appear next week.
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Pikesville Hilton Hotel Employees Take Up Contract Struggle
Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees (HERE), Local 7 of the AFL-CIO are in a labor dispute with the franchise-owned Pikesville Hilton owned by Nicholas Mangione, Jr. The union has conducted several information pickets on Reisterstown Road to draw attention to the union's attempts to force "merit pay" on workers. Union members were joined by other AFL-CIO unions and progressive organizations on the picket line.
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