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Barbara Ehrenreich At Towson University
12 Oct 2002
by Susan Lantz
Award-winning essayist and long-time activist Barbara Ehrenreich spoke at Towson University on October 1st. Giving the university's 2002 Book of the Year lecture, Ehrenreich discussed her experiences researching and writing "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America," and spoke out against war with Iraq and in support of the Student Worker Alliance of Towson, which fights for a living wage for workers contracted by the university.
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Fascists, Anti-Fascists And The State
09 Oct 2002
by Flint, Roundhouse Collective (NEFAC-Baltimore)

As of October 8th, the majority of the Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 defendants have had their cases dismissed. This is the story of the lead up and action on August 24th, and the aftermath. [Originally published in
Barricada, #17, September/October 2002].
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Class War Ronin: An Interview With Six Anarchist Union Organizers
05 Oct 2002
by Duke, Roundhouse Collective (NEFAC-Baltimore)

Interviews with six local union organizers who have been involved either as rank 'n' filers or as organizers with AFSCME, HERE, IUPAT, SEIU, UAW, and UFCW. They were asked about their politics, their political activity outside of the labor movement, why they became organizers, whether others should become organizers, the good, the bad, how they keep their integrity, what unions are doing right, and what could make unions better. [Originally published in
The Northeastern Anarchist, Fall/Winter 2002].
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News :: [none]
150 Protesters Welcome Bush To Baltimore
02 Oct 2002
by Paul Santomenna
This afternoon, President Bush was whisked into the Baltimore Hyatt for a fundraiser to support Maryland Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert Ehrlich. A block away, police kept anti-war protesters locked down.
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A Weekend Of Protest
02 Oct 2002
by IMC Editors
On September 28, Washington DC was host to a gathering organized by the Mobilization for Global Justice expressing concern over IMF/World Bank proceedings and the threat of war with Iraq. While MGJ organizers gathered near the Washington monument, ACT-UP Philadelphia held a feeder march to protest AIDS policies.
The rally at the monument consisted of music and speakers, including Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader, and was followed by a permitted march to Farragut Square and direct action. Mainstream media representatives were out in numbers, and though Friday's protests had resulted in a number of legitimate journalists being summarily arrested without cause, press coverage of the weekend was as disappointing and skewed as we've learned to expect.
IMC reporter Howard Ehrlich adds comments and observations from some of the advanced-in-age-but-not-in-spirit protesters in The Gray Activists.
News :: [none]
Denied The Right To Dance! Day One Of The Protests Against The IMF/World Bank
27 Sep 2002
by Chuck D'Adamo
More than 600 were arrested in Washington DC at the September 27th protests against the policies of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. An account from the streets. (Aimee Pohl and Paul Santomenna contributed to this report. Photo from DC IMC.)
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Part II, ISM Activist Reflects On The Occupation Of Palestine
25 Sep 2002
by Joshua Brown/Jean Cushman

Interview continued. Joshua Brown responds to questions about the role of ISM in protecting the homes of families of "suicide bombers" from demolition by the Israeli army and other controversial issues.
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Part I - ISM Activist Reflects On Occupation Of Palestine
25 Sep 2002
by Joshua Brown/Jean Cushman

Interview of Joshua Brown, ISM activist, by Jean Cushman. Joshua Brown traveled to Palestine as a member of the International Solidarity Movement. Through non-violent direct action, ISM works toward an end to the occupation of Palestine. ISM challenges the Israeli military at checkpoints to permit the passage of ambulances or people in need of food and other necessities; participates in workshops for children; protects the human rights of Palestinians. These internationals put their lives on the line to support the Palestinian's aspirations for freedom. Further, they bring back testimony and documentation of the inhuman living conditions of the Palesitnians suffering under Israeli rule in the occupied territories.
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