Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

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The New Imperialism

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Baltimore's Progressive Action Center, co-founder David Harvey gave the First Annual Ric Pfeffer Lecture to an audience of 100 activists and intellectuals on October 25, 2002. The year the PAC was born was also the year Harvey published The Limits to Capital, a book the New Left Review described as a "major work of economic theory." With the publication of this work and through seven more books, most famously The Condition of Postmodernity, Harvey developed a Marxian theoretical approach he calls "historical-geographical materialism" focusing analysis on the "spatial fix" in the process of capital accumulation. David Harvey's work can help us understand the dynamics of imperialism and his keynote speech was on "The New Imperialism." What follows is the text of his speech (transcribed by Jean Cushman). The question-answer discussion with Harvey as well as other material from the PAC's celebration will follow as a separate post. -- Chuck D'Adamo



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