Fleeting Public Access TV Opportunity
01 Apr 2004
by Howard Ehrlich and Jim George
Baltimore City is quietly soliciting the people's opinions about Public Access TV, and among other things, the people are saying loudly, "We want part of the 5% monopoly franchise fee to be dedicated to funding Public Access TV."
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Interview :: Activism : Culture : Protest Activity
Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying: March 26 & March 27
24 Mar 2004
by Jim George
Who’s the Trickster? Living Room Company Director Michael Patrick Smith talks about how he wrapped his arms around his dream of writing, producing and performing in a play about Woodie Guthrie. Smith and the Living Room Company will perform "Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying" Friday March 26, and Saturday March 27 at the
Creative Alliance.
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NYC’s Anti-War Rally Rips Bush’s “Trail of Lies”
20 Mar 2004
by William Hughes
Leading the parade of protesters, at the huge NYC rally, was presidential, anti-Iraq War candidate, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH). He said, "We've seen that there has been nothing but a trail of lies that led the United States into its involvement in Iraq. That Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. That Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda’s role in 9/11, and that it had nothing to do with the Anthrax attack upon this country."
Review :: Culture : Gender and Sexuality : Media
Chad McCail: Art and the Orgasm
20 Mar 2004
by a.h.s. boy

Scottish artist Chad McCail spoke at the Baltimore Museum of Art on Saturday, March 20th as part of "01 Collective Action," the first of the Cram Sessions series of contemporary art exhibits. His work of display consists of flat color schoolbook-like drawings depicting scenes of an idealized social future where individuals are freed from compulsory education, military service, money, and sexual repression.
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News :: Activism : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Trail of Mourning and Truth
16 Mar 2004
by Mike Johnson
Report on the Dover to DC Memorial Procession, honoring the American and coalition service people and Iraqi civilians killed in Iraq. This two day event featured members of Military Families Speak out and Veterans for Peace speaking at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C., and a the naming of the dead in Lafayette Park. The two day event culminated when marchers attempted to deliver a coffin bearing the names of the dead to The White House.
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News :: Activism : Economy : Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Feb 24 Protest of Corporate Invasion of Iraq
02 Mar 2004
by Jim George
At lunch-time on Tuesday February 24 about forty people gathered near the Inner Harbor as part of the “International Day of Action Against the Corporate Invasion of Iraq, and Support of Iraqi Workers.”
Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Middle East : Peace : War in Iraq
February 24: Stop Corporate Control of Iraq
19 Feb 2004
by Jim George
February 24 is the International Day of Protest to End the Corporate Invasion of Iraq. Institutional changes are being established in Iraq to legalize the corporate invasion and make this encroachment permanent. This article places the February 24 Day of Protest in the context of the fundamental power struggle between humans and corporations, and highlights some of the protests being planned in the Baltimore area.
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Interview :: International Relations : Military : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Addicted to War: an Interview with Joel Andreas
18 Feb 2004
by Nicole Aschoff and Pankaj Mehta

An interview with Joel Andreas author of the best-selling expose
Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism, an illustrated expose. More than 100,000 copies of this political comic book are in print. Joel Andreas is currently Assistant Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University. More information about
Addicted to War can be found at
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