News :: Labor
Brief UNITE-HERE! Panel Discussion Reportback
A UNITE-HERE! panel discussion on the Sheraton City Center Hotel campaign on Friday February 22nd 2008 dream sixty or so people. They gathered into the basement hall of the UNITE HERE Mid Atlantic Regional Office this past Monday evening to engage in a worker panel discussion with Hospitality Workers of the Sheraton City Center Hotel.
Previously on Baltimore Indymedia: Boycott of Baltimore City Center Sheraton Hotel Launched by UNITE HERE! | **Hotel Workers Rising!** Baltimore City Center Sheraton Workers Demonstration Wednesday, February 27, 4:30 PM
News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media : Miscellaneous
WYPR Listeners Call for Marc Steiner’s Return at Feb. 20 Public Meeting
Fifty-plus people voiced their outrage to the representatives of WYPR’s Community Advisory Board, and unanimously calling for the return of the recently-cancelled Mark Steiner Show. The Feb. 20 meeting was the first time public-radio listeners got to voice their opinion directly to WYPR, beyond the emails and phone calls, since the news show's abrupt cancellation.
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News :: Baltimore MD : Drugs
Great little mini-documentary on Rose Street Community Center in East Baltimore
There's a great little 8 minute movie about the Rose Street Community Center (amazing and totally inspiring grassroots anti-drug addiction and crime effort in East Baltimore), produced by Wide Angle Youth Media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Q1ZVI27ao
Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Labor
Sheraton City Center Workers Panel Discussion, 2/18 7:30 PM

Hospitality workers from the Sheraton Center City Hotel, who work for Columbia Sussex Corporation, have endorsed a boycott of their hotel. After almost two years of negotiations without a Union Contract, Columbia Sussex is insisting that workers agree to work without adequate rights, job security, decent wages, affordable health care or a pension plan.
The 2nd largest industry in Baltimore is the Hospitality Industry. Learn about the struggle at the Sheraton City Center.
News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Culture : Media
WYPR Members Protest at WYPR for Return of Marc Steiner Show
Maryland residents continue to picket outside Maryland public radio station WYPR for the second straight week, calling for the reinstatement of the Mark Steiner Show. This Maryland public affairs show based in Baltimore was abruptly cancelled on Feb. 1, 2008 without much warning.
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Education
Education and Life Celebrated in Streets of Annapolis: Despite 26 Arrests, Algebra Project Action a (State) Smashing Success
Annapolis, MD. Public School students from around the state, but primarily from Baltimore City, gathered in Annapolis today to demand that the Thorton education funding remain intact and continue to come into the schools. The Thorton Education Bill is an attempt to level the playing field for Maryland's youth. Bystanders looked on with tight smiles as the crowd of over 400 surged passed them chanting, “We don't want your pity, we want money for our city!”
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media
Marc Steiner Abruptly Fired From Public Radio WYPR
Well-known Maryland public affairs radio host Marc Steiner of the Marc Steiner Show was fired without notice this weekend. Steiner specialized in covering local Baltimore and Maryland issues, including the recent BGE utility rate hike, Maryland elections, and the Baltimore public school system.
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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : History : International Relations : Peace
The Antithesis of Ethics
On the day when hundreds of intellectuals coming from every continent are meeting in Havana to take part in an International Conference for World Equilibrium on the date of José Marti’s birth, on that same day, by some strange quirk, the President of the United States spoke
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