Commentary :: Economy : Globalization : Labor : Latin America : Military : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Teach-In on FTAA & WTO
September 6, 2003, the Coalition against Global Exploitation with the Student Labor Action Committee held a teach-in on the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the World Trade Organization in conjunction with upcoming protests in Cancun, Mexico and Miami, Florida. A brief report with links to presentations by Frida Berrigan (World Policy Institute), Robert Scott (Economic Policy Institute), and Jack Sinnigen (University of Maryland).
Review :: Asia
Anne Brodsky, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Psychology at UMBC, has written an impressive book about the history, culture, community and stength of the Revoluationary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). With All Our strength, The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan is reviewed in this article. (Anne Brodsky will speak at Stoney Run Friends on September 25. See the Indymedia calendar for details.)
News :: Baltimore MD : Globalization : Peace : Protest Activity
Baltimore Corporations Targetted by "Tour of Shame"
About 80 activists braved rainy weather on Saturday afternoon to protest against corporate globalization and war, drawing attention to both local companies and international trade agreements. Meanwhile, the meetings of the World Trade Organization collapsed in Cancun, Mexico (See The Other Press report).
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News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Labor
Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights
The Greatest Speech of the Twentieth Century
Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered it on August 28, 1963 at the spectacular civil rights March on Washington. Kay Dellinger, a peace and justice activist from Baltimore, attended the historic March and heard the speech at the Lincoln Memorial as a teenager.
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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights
40th Anniversary Rally for Justice, Jobs & Peace
This weekend featured the 40th anniversary march to commemorate the 1963 march on Washington for Jobs, Peace and Freedom. Caucuses included the KWRU Poor People's March. Many people shared their personal reflections on DC Indymedia. A well-organized program LGBT events related to the march also took place, including a panel on LGBT communities of color.
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Elections & Legislation
Michael Tomasky's "Gang Green": A Reply
In The American Prospect, liberal political writer Michael Tomasky wrote a critique of Ralph Nader and the US Green Party following the July national conference of the Greens. Dave Goldsmith, Coordinator for the Baltimore County Green Party, wrote the following reply. An earlier version was submitted to The American Prospect.
News :: Baltimore MD : Culture
The Baltimore Free University Returns
The Baltimore Free University, a progressive educational alternative is being revived after a 16-year absence.
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