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Baltimore IMC

In the Other Press

To alleviate the problem of articles from other press sources being reposted on this IMC site, this section allows users to link to articles published elsewhere, and to contribute and read comments on those pieces. Have something interesting to post?


Commentary :: Labor

Social Security: An Introduction

"Ironically the individualistic rhetoric previously mobilized to depict Social Security as a truly American program has been mobilized against it in the name of personal savings and financial gain.."

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Commentary :: Peace

The Madness of George W. Bush

"If the citizenry would recognize that Bush's egomania is acting out a national illness, we would all be saner. If the US could integrate the `shadow' which Bush projects upon the `axis of evil', perhaps we could achieve world peace.."

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Commentary :: History

The John O'Neill mystery

I am a writer. As such, I believe that no good writer is without the ability to make connections. Very rarely will you find a 'coincidence' in one of my stories. It is usually a connection. So you can imagine my angst about a month after 9/11, when I saw the coincidence of John O'Neill's life and death and made a connection no one seemed to get for years to come. If you were almost to the point where you could easily lock in a retirement plan, why quit the public sector as a high ranking Federal agent to work as nothing more than a glorified security guard? It simply makes no sense. Neither does the fact that he died just two weeks later, because the glorified position he chose just happened to be in one of the two towers that went down in history. I think John O'Neill told the FBI something was going to happen to the towers, and I think he went there to try and stop it.
I virtually never do this sort of thing, so I do not even know if I have done it all right, but I have included an extra site below beside the URL I was requested. Any comments or additional information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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News :: Crime & Police

Pennsylvania inmates urge new ways to curb crime

Inmates urged their peers to renounce revenge, violence and materialism and replace them with what the lifers see as more genuine traits of manhood such as honesty, restraint and responsibility. (Note the rejection of "materialism," which is closely tied to commercialism, or corporate culture).

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Commentary :: International Relations : Labor : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

AFL-CIO & the Iraq War. By James Petras

The AFL-CIO, is in a deep crisis. Following the recent split, it lost over 3 million members, reducing it to a mere 9% of the labor force and 7% of the private sector. James Petras argues that its crisis is the result of politics, including the politics of collaboration with employers and opposition to militant 'grass-root' organizing. Petras looks at the Iraq War resolution passed at the AFL-CIO convention in the context of its political crisis and its support for every major US foreign intervention.

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News :: Media

Wireless World: No E9-1-1 for now

Capitalists burden the working man with needless technology.

Not all mobile-phone users will be able to access emergency operators by next year -- if they get into a horrific car accident, or observe a violent crime in progress -- even though a government deadline requiring enhanced 9-1-1 is looming, experts told UPI's Wireless World.
Verizon Wireless, one of the nation's largest mobile-phone carriers, notified the Federal Communications Commission this week that it could not meet a Dec. 31 deadline to ensure 95 percent of its customers had E9-1-1 capable handsets. Rival Nextel also has requested an extension of the deadline from the FCC. Other carriers are expected to make similar disclosures shortly. By Gene Koprowski

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Commentary :: Globalization

Market Fundamentalists Lose in Iran (For Now)

Ahmadinejad's landslide win was a vote against the global neliberal elite with whom "reformists" are allied.

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Commentary :: Economy : Globalization : International Relations : U.S. Government

United States: the Slide to Disorder. By Philip Golub

The unilateralism of the United States--economic, commercial and military--is at odds with the multilateral reality of today's world. US politics of military supremacy contradicts its sacred principle of free markets. Will this be a turning point of history, like the one that marked the end of the first phase of capitalist globalisation, which lasted from 1880 to 1914? Historical and political analysis by Philip Golub.

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