Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: History

The John O'Neill mystery

I am a writer. As such, I believe that no good writer is without the ability to make connections. Very rarely will you find a 'coincidence' in one of my stories. It is usually a connection. So you can imagine my angst about a month after 9/11, when I saw the coincidence of John O'Neill's life and death and made a connection no one seemed to get for years to come. If you were almost to the point where you could easily lock in a retirement plan, why quit the public sector as a high ranking Federal agent to work as nothing more than a glorified security guard? It simply makes no sense. Neither does the fact that he died just two weeks later, because the glorified position he chose just happened to be in one of the two towers that went down in history. I think John O'Neill told the FBI something was going to happen to the towers, and I think he went there to try and stop it.
I virtually never do this sort of thing, so I do not even know if I have done it all right, but I have included an extra site below beside the URL I was requested. Any comments or additional information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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