Review :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Culture
Water for the Wells: Raising Aid Through Performance
Water for the Wells brings together Baltimore poets and musicians who are organizing benefit performances to raise $1,200 to build a single village well in Mali, East Africa. This may only be the beginning, says organizer Marcus Colasurdo
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Announcement :: Activism
Ralph Nader Speaks About His Family Roots in Activism
Ralph Nader came to Baltimore on July 14, 2007 to speak on the "Seventeen Traditions" he learned from his parents. His speech was taped by independent reporter William Hughes and is available online at Google Video.
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Commentary :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Economy : Protest Activity
Protesters Rip Gov. Martin O'Malley for Broken Promises
As a result of deregulation, electric rates are going through the ceiling in Maryland. Gov. Martin O’Malley’s promises to “protect” the public have turned out to be lies. Protesters showed up at the governor’s mansion on June 23, 2007, to demand a “Special Session” of the legislature and for reregulation. Maria Allwine said the people are being “Enroned!” Leo Burroughs, Jr. said: “An injustice of the highest order” is being perpetrated.
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Commentary :: Right Wing : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker!
Lewis “Scooter” Libby is a dark cloud hanging over the head of Dick Cheney. The Special Prosecutor is convinced that Libby lied to protect his boss, the V.P., re: Joe Wilson/Valeri Plame smear. This dark cloud, coupled with the “Nightmare” of impeachment, is Cheney’s new reality. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), et al, via H Res 333, intend to bring Cheney to Justice. It’s time for Rep. John Conyers of the Judiciary Committee to issue the subpoenas.
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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights
The Ehrlich Report
A monthly column of sociopolitical analysis featuring this month a commentary on the status of hate crimes and ethnoviolence.
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News :: Baltimore MD
Court Order Sought to Silence the United Workers Association
The day after hundreds of protesters marched on Next Day Staffing, the Camden Yards temp agency sought a court order to prevent the United Workers from talking to workers as they arrive to and leave from work. A press conference was held today in front of Next Day Staffing.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Workers Tour the State to Demand Living Wage: Day Laborers at Camden Yards Protest Poverty Wages
Camden Yards cleaners are embarking on an unprecedented state-wide tour to win a living wage. The United Workers Association, an organization that represents the stadium cleaners, have organized the tour to protest the use of state funds to create sub-poverty working conditions. At Camden Yards, the Maryland Stadium Authority out sources the stadium cleaning to a Michigan based company who then sub-contracts all the labor to day labor agencies in Baltimore and Prince Georges County.

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News :: Activism : Latin America
Al Giordano on the Zapatista “Other Campaign” and the Oaxacan Peoples’ Assemblies
Al Giordano, founder–editor of Narco News and co-founder of the Fund for Authentic Journalism, gave a talk and presented some of his latest videos at the so called “church space” of St Johns at 2640 St Paul Street in Charles Village, Baltimore. Group discussion followed his presentation. Eleven persons attended the event, and discussion was easy, the audience sitting in a semicircle.
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