Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Elections & Legislation : Globalization : History : International Relations : Media : Military : Peace : U.S. Government

International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11 - Toronto, Canada 2004

An extensive international public inquiry into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, will be held in Toronto, Canada between May 30 and June 20 this year.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Petition for a Bicycle Lane on Charles Street

Join the campaign to install a bicycle lane on Charles Street!

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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Saturday, April 3rd --Rally against executions (updated flyer)

Join the Campaing to End the Death Penalty, Amnesty International, MD CURE, MD Southern Christian Leadership Council, and the ACLU for a rally in support of HB 521 (abolish the death penalty).

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Crime & Police : Globalization : International Relations : Media : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq


The Creative Alliance and Megaphone Project present the premiere of Mondo Protesto, a documentary that details Charm City's public resistance to the Iraq War.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

Bush's new religion

Mecca (M.A.Hussain) GBA Church (God Bless America Church) has launched its new ideational (spiritual) product branded as "Ba Isme America" (in Arabic language it means " in the name of America") which is being sold as a new sect of Islam.

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News :: Globalization

"Here at the End of the World" - New song by David Rovics

fistred.jpg"Here at the End of the World" - 2':59" 160Kbps mp3 44/16.

The planet is still dying, incidentally. Very rapidly, in the scheme of things.

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Commentary :: Crime & Police

BTL:White House Attack on Former Counter-Terrorism Chief Part of...

...Trend Toward Those Who Dare to Speak Out* Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. Defense Department analyst prosecuted for his release of now-famous "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: War in Iraq

Ms. Whistleblower: Officials knew Al Qaida would attack by air

Ms. Edmonds, a Turkish-American translator, said there was sufficient information in Spring and Summer 2001 of an attack being planned. But the White House is seeking to silence her with a court order citing "state secrets privilege".

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Announcement :: Protest Activity

7/25 - Mass Rally & March at the DNC

Sunday, July 25 Mass Rally & March 12 noon - Boston Common

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Commentary :: [none]

Fleeting Public Access TV Opportunity

Whose TV sm.jpgBaltimore City is quietly soliciting the people's opinions about Public Access TV, and among other things, the people are saying loudly, "We want part of the 5% monopoly franchise fee to be dedicated to funding Public Access TV."

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