An extensive international public inquiry into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, will be held in Toronto, Canada between May 30 and June 20 this year.
International Citizens’ Inquiry seeks the truth about 9/11
An extensive international public inquiry into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, will be held in Toronto, Canada between May 30 and June 20 this year.
“This is a vital exercise for humankind,” says Barrie Zwicker, executive director of Skeptics Inquiry for Truth (SIFT), which is organizing the activity, “because the official version of those events is constantly raised to justify the so-called ‘war on terrorism,’ which has expanded into hot wars, reduction of civil liberties and the criminalizing of dissent.”
“This will be the largest independent citizens’ inquiry in the world yet to date to test the plausibility of official explanations of 9/11. Our budget is over $500,000, so this is an enormous undertaking that requires all the public support we can muster. My view is that all of us have to ask ourselves what we’ll do with our money if we end up in a police state.”
The opening event at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall on May 30 will feature speaker Mike Ruppert, American author/journalist and Thierry Meyssan, bestselling French author. They will be joined by a representative of the families who lost members on September 11th.
That will be followed 8 days later by screenings of related films, from June 7-10, at the Bathurst Street Theatre, where all subsequent events will also be held.
“The inquiry proper, from June 11-13, will call on experienced 9/ll researchers from Canada, the U.S. and Europe,” says Zwicker, “in plenary sessions examining the many anomalies of the official version of 9/11. In fact, one presenter will focus on listing just the 60 leading anomalies of that day.”
Among invited and confirmed presenters are
Michael C. Ruppert, (journalist/author) From The Wilderness
Mathias Broeckers, author – Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories, and the Secrets of September 11th
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics University of Ottawa, Author – War and Globalization, The Truth Behind September 11; The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order
Thierry Meyssan, author - 9/11: The Big Lie; The Frightening Fraud; Pentagate
Carol Brouillet, 9/11 activist/organizer International Inquiry Into 9/11, Phase 1
Barrie Zwicker, journalist, media critic, Phase 2 Director of International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11
Thomas K. Kimmel Jr., former naval officer, retired FBI agent, and grandson of Admiral Husband E. Kimmel—the scapegoated Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor
Daniel Hopsicker, Author – Welcome to Terrorland, publisher Mad Cow Morning News
Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons in Space
Richard Sanders, Executive Coordinator Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade - COAT
Ian Woods, Publisher Global Outlook Magazine
Professor Walter Davis, September 11th and the Bush Administration: Compelling Evidence for Complicity
Professor Kee Dewdney, researcher, author - Ghost Riders in the Sky
with more to come.
Following the plenaries, from June 14-18, will be a series of workshops, where the public can meet and question presenters.
Closing ceremonies on June 19/20 will include an ecumenical service, a global celebration, and strategies for building a better world.
SIFT is actively seeking both volunteers and public financial support for the inquiry. Details can be found at
Please send your cheque or money order today to
7 B Pleasant Boulevard, Box 958
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4T 1K2
Or call us with your credit card, toll free in N. America
1-866-234-7438 (SIFT) or, 416-963-5562, or fax 416-963-8414.