Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Protest Activity

7/25 - Mass Rally & March at the DNC

Sunday, July 25 Mass Rally & March 12 noon - Boston Common
Sunday, July 25

12 noon - Boston Common

End Colonial Occupation
from Iraq to Palestine To
Haiti and Everywhere!

Bring the Troops Home Now!

  • Stop Unionbusting - Contracts for Boston Workers Now!
  • $$ for AIDS, Jobs, Housing, Education & Healthcare,Not War!
  • Decriminalize Undocumented Workers!
  • Stop Racist Detentions, Roundups & Deportations!
  • Free Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier & All Political Prisoners!
  • Stand Against Racism at Home and Abroad!
  • Equal Marriage Rights for All!
  • Defend Women’s Right to Choose!
  • Defend Affirmative Action!
  • Stop Racist Attacks on Desegregation!
  • Union Jobs for the Communities of Boston


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