Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Saturday, April 3rd --Rally against executions (updated flyer)

Join the Campaing to End the Death Penalty, Amnesty International, MD CURE, MD Southern Christian Leadership Council, and the ACLU for a rally in support of HB 521 (abolish the death penalty).
Click on image for a larger version

What: Rally against MD's death penalty
When: Saturday, April 3rd at 2 PM
Where: Historic downtown Annapolis -- Lawyer's Mall

Why: Just over a year ago a state commissioned study showed that Maryland's death penalty is applied in a racist and geographically arbitrary manner. The public outcry at these findings prompted Lt. Governor Michael Steele to promise an investigation into problems with Maryland's death penalty. Since then, he has done nothing.

Instead, the Ehrlich administration and their
pro-death penalty supporters are trying to use a
series of human tragedies to silence concerns about the death penalty and expand executions.

This must not be allowed to happen. It makes no sense to expand a broken system. We need to abolish the death penalty.

Join abolitionists from across the region as we rally outside the Maryland's Statehouse against the death penalty.

Say NO to Ehrlich's effort to expand the death penalty (HB 248, 250, & 301)!
Say YES to HB 521 to abolish the death penalty!

Sponsored by: Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Amnesty International, ACLU, MD CURE, MD SCLC.

For more information, or to co-sponsor or endorse: Or call: 202-271-8014.
In Baltimore, contact: 410-466-1713.

The death penalty punishes the poor. It is racist. It does not deter crime. It kills innocent people. It is cruel and unusual punishment.

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