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Commentary :: Environment

Supervolcano -Very Excellent Film!

The Discovery Channel aired a movie entitled "Supervolcano" which was based on actual was EXTREMELY good and ACCURATE about what is in the future at Yellowstone National Park.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

2 Big Indys Now Taken Over By Zionazi Forces

DC and Portland are no longer reliable or viable news sources.

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Commentary :: Globalization

Picture Of Newest Pope


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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (04/11/05)


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Commentary :: Globalization

From World Bank to America Bank

President Bush had a hard time explaining to the unenlightened rest of the world why he proposes a man completely lacking in development experience, international credibility in combating poverty and ability to forge international consensus.

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Commemorate May Day, with "Inquisitions," a radio play dramatizing...

...the struggle for workers rights and civil liberties.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Media

Democracy Now's Amy Goodman in Baltimore April 15

Amy Goodman will speak April 15, 7:30pm
1433 Edmondson Ave Unity United Methodist Church
Video Presentation

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Commentary :: Environment

Inhofe attacks global warming / No sir

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla said ...
snip ... ( 4/8/2005)

No sir !

See figures on CO2 and global temperatures increasing (below).

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Announcement :: Activism

cyber action today

From the 10th to 16th of April, 2005, the Biovision/Biosquare forum will take place in the city of Lyon, France. This summit can be compared with the Davos WEF, but is solely concerned with biotech issues.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/9/05)


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