Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Environment

Supervolcano -Very Excellent Film!

The Discovery Channel aired a movie entitled "Supervolcano" which was based on actual was EXTREMELY good and ACCURATE about what is in the future at Yellowstone National Park.
After the movie, Tom Brokaw spoke to the scientists involved at Yellowstone and they are still downplaying the imminent eruption. It is not "if an eruption is going to happen" is "when is the eruption going to happen".

Just as the film depicted, the US Government is not prepaired for, nor willing to admitt that a supervolcanic eruption is in our near future. It will be devasting to not only the US, but the entire world on a magnitude of the extinction of the dinosaur's astroid impact.

The question that we need to ask ourselves is "Do we wait, and do nothing at this time.....because it could conceivably be thousands of years before it erupts (at which time it will be extremely difficult to thwart)......or should we maybe spend a few billion of the dollars our government allocates for foriegn wars towards exploration of the possible venting of this huge magma chamber with the incredible tunneling machines that have been developed? Don't you think that we should at least TRY?

Dr. Robert Smith (USGS Scientist at Yellowstone) when asked "Why is the USGS not developing a system to vent the magma chamber?" said "The Congress habitually neglects funding of science projects that extend beyond their elected terms".

Call or write your congresspeople with your feelings, PLEASE!

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