Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

cyber action today

From the 10th to 16th of April, 2005, the Biovision/Biosquare forum will take place in the city of Lyon, France. This summit can be compared with the Davos WEF, but is solely concerned with biotech issues.
From the 10th to 16th of April, 2005, the Biovision/Biosquare forum will take place in the city of Lyon, France. This summit can be compared with the Davos WEF, but is solely concerned with biotech issues. During the whole week, a local resistance group (Collectif des Resistances), a farmer’s union (Conféderation Paysanne), Greenpeace, anti-gmo activists (les Faucheurs Volontaires) and ATTAC are organizing actions, demonstrations and debates in opposition to the summit. We call on everybody, groups or individuals, to join the struggle and to come here. Visit the website for the whole schedule. You can also participate in the cyberattack, on the Sunday, 10th of April, from 11 GPM !
This cyberattack is a non-violent direct action which aims to send a maximum of e-mail protests to Biovision/Biosquare partners.
The goal is to submerge them with our disapproval. The greater the number of participants the more effective the action will be because the data processing will be affected.... Therefore please give maximum circulation to this call. Thank you in advance! P.S.: See below the e-mail addresses to be copied and stuck: **************************************
If you don’t feel yourself to be creative or if you do not have time, please find below a standard example of letter to send :
By the present letter, I state my opposition to the intrusion of biotechnologies in my environment.
I protest against the researchers who take part in the deterioration of the environment for mercantile ends, and against the multinationals which have imposed the privatization of life and living forces.
I oppose the politicians who don’t interfere and on the contrary vote them subsidies, the media which give them coverage, and the "personalities" who ensure them a "moral" guarantee.
I rise up against all the collaborators who take part in the Biovision/Biosquare Forum on biotechnologies which will be held in Lyon (France) from the 11 to April 15, 2005. Ladies and gentlemen, the genetic inheritance of the planet is not for sale! I hope that we will be numerous to let you know it.
Yours sincerely,

addresses to be copied and stuck:


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