Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Civil & Human Rights

2 Big Indys Now Taken Over By Zionazi Forces

DC and Portland are no longer reliable or viable news sources.

Many reports have been made in the recent past concerning removal of posts at various indy medias, most notably DC where old school seems intent on screwing things up...he or she is no doubt well paid by the zionist federal reserve running America, now Portland has followed suit, with lots of govt intervention and people debunking facts claiming they work for indy media pdx, all the while making it plain they have not read the it is not possible to post there, Arizona is a joke, and Idaho has been shuit down it appears..., so anywhere the news gets out, the real uncorporate news, you bet boy george worm and his butt buddy church scum are going to disrupt it...which is kind of nice because that means we are killing their multimillion dollar apparat with a few nickels and dimes...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK INDY MEDIA!!! TO HELL WITH THE PROPAGANDIST WHORES OF DUBYAS WORLD IT IS FALLLLLLLIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!

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