Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Guy Debord Film Retrospective

film screenings up in New York City

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Commentary :: Asia

JNU University in India is Lunatic : SINS OF JNU


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LOCAL News :: Media

Errors Of An IMC Editor.

On conflicts with the community in
reporting by administrators at
alternative news outlet.

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/11/06)

Military tribunals resuming at Guantanamo Bay.

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News :: Protest Activity

Hong Kong, Anti-WTO.. "EPILOG"

A FIRST SMALL VICTORY(?) Just a short while ago the S. Korean semi-official news agency reported that all the remaining prisoners from the anti-WTO protests can leave HK. But three Koreans will face trial soon...

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Loss of information ?


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News :: Economy

Agora Inc.:Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for NTU founder J.D. Davidson ?

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam.....It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent. And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD


The Baltimore Free Store is working on its first ever permanent Free Store location. Get up off ur arse and do some painting!!!

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/10/06)

Senate moves towards forced vaccinations.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Military : U.S. Government

Advice From An Old Man


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