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Agora Inc.:Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for NTU founder J.D. Davidson ?

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam.....It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent. And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.

Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson's 'anti-naked shorting' and other stock frauds ?

As a prominent member of the National Taxpayers Union founded by James Dale Davidson it would seem probable Steve Forbes knows quite well about James Dale Davidson's penchant for touting and dumping worthless penny stocks on the U.S. market and then claiming share price collapse is due to 'naked shorting' rather than Davidson's illegal pump and dump activity,often through his Agora Inc. of Baltimore etc..James Dale Davidson has even operated his long ongoing penny stock scams out of the National Taxpayers Union office in Alexandria, Virginia.Why not, with his Beltway connections and his Agora Baltimore with its myriad penny stock scam websites etc. ?

Since Davidson 'pumped' or promoted Endovasc and Genemax around the end of 2002 and probably dumped through Charles Schwab's LOM account and began complaining that 'naked short selling' caused collapse of share price rather than his massive dumping of shares and dedicated a whole website to the lie called 'NAANSS', or National Association Against Naked Short Selling ,yet another scammy website has appeared on the world wide web called 'NCANS' or coincidentally.

The first one started by James Dale Davidson was the National Association Against Naked Short Selling and its replacement is 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling'. Why didn't Steve Forbes introduce his own Forbes writer Elizabeth MacDonald to his own associate James Dale Davidson founder of both their National Taxpayers Union as well as the probable founder of the 'anti-naked short selling' fraud to cover up his own manipulation and dumping of worthless U.S. generally Nevada incorporated penny stock shares. And if he did not invent the fraud himself he certainly is the one to have taken it to its maximum use in stock fraud to cover up his own illegal pump and dump activities.

While Forbes' MacDonald's articles re Patrick Byrne of Utah's can be amusing as can those of Roddy Boyd of Rupert Murdoch's New York Post ,that is only because Patrick Byrne himself provides the one liners.However I would expect more from Forbes. Could you really be as naive at Forbes as you all make out to be regarding the 'anti-naked short selling' scam and and its true origens ? Do you think 'Bob O'Brien' and his sidekick Patrick Byrne would create the very same James Dale Davidson 'anti-naked short selling' scam including the admonition to 'buy certs' or paper share certificates to protect from 'naked short sellers' out of thin air and create yet another 'anti-naked shorting' organization with another 'N' for 'National' in its acronym without ever having heard or more likely associated with the same scam previously ?

Or was it coincidence that 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne placed their $100,000 + ad-letter
to W.Bush in the Washington Post on February 8
warning about the supposed dangers of 'naked short selling' to Social Security investments in the market.First I thought the National Taxpayers Union planned to gut Social Security anyway and second does the NCANS ad placement in the Washington Post perhaps signify close political-social ties there ?

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam.It's not coming from the B.V.I. or Calfornia even if the server or the bank account for is there.The origen of NCANS just like NAANSS before it,(that was located in the same Blaine,Washington office where Genemax was promoted from),is the Beltway itself just like Nigerian letter scams are from Nigeria.But more specifically Patrick Byrne and 'Bob O'Brien's' 'NCANS' also has a Beltway origen coming from the fraudulent mind of your associate James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union etc.

Yet it would appear that Steve Forbes magazine is no better than his pal Rupert Murdoch's NY Post or his Fox news for that matter.I have already explained my reasoning for why Murdoch's NY Post would not won't to expose James Dale Davidson and his probable connections to as well.

Rupert Murdoch was the Lord William Rees-Mogg's employer at the Times of London briefly and the Oxford graduate and Rhodes scholar Davidson has business and authorship ties with and to the Lord Rees-Mogg.James Dale Davidson was the 'brains' behind the political fraud that claimed 'Clinton killed Vince Foster'. And so both Murdoch and Steve Forbes have reason to wish their business writers away from the real story behind the 'anti-naked short selling' scam and the true reasons for it and its creator James Dale Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union' and Beltway insider or 'terrorbagger'(see link to article by that name).

Also Rupert Murdoch's NY Post employed the same smear writer,Christopher Ruddy,that Davidson and his employed for the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign.So it does appear that all parties concerned are certainly political frauds and Steve Forbes covers up for his pal James Dale Davidson who is also a proven stock fraud and one who rips off his fellow Americans to fill offshore accounts.And the traitor appears to be trying more penny stock scams from the Middle East.

Forbes magazine has on the other hand lent credibility to James Dale Davidson's 'anti-naked short selling fraud in the past,(without having to mention of James Dale Davidson),by interviewing attorney John O'Quinn who defended James Dale Davidson's pump and dump of the worthless Endovasc penny stock shares as 'naked shorting' by Charles Schwab, Refco, Ameritrade ! These were probably instead just the locations of accounts Davidson dumped worthless Endovasc shares from ! In the case of Charles Schwab I have the proof.

James Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. that seems to have cozy relations with the CIA or at least its ex DIAs such as William Colby and now George Tenet may have touted or promoted stocks the CIA or its In-Q-Tel 'non-profit' investment arm holds or held shares of !! Bill Bonner and his British sidekick Wiggans even spam our Congress in order to solicit them to read their scammy books just like James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg wrote before them.

Yes right in Baltimore is Agora Inc. founded by James Dale Davidson who also founded the National Taxpayers Union that Steve Forbes,
Grover Norquist, have been a big part of as well.And while they claim to be on the 'taxpayers' side for politics they are really internationalists and elitists in terms of their banking and in their consequent taxpaying.Their interests are not those of America or Americans. They or most certainly James Dale Davidson,pal of Steve Forbes,would be and is happy to defraud his fellow Americans in penny stock scams and send their assets offshore to his personal accounts and the SEC or Securities Exchange Commmission lets him do it.

Of course the Securities Exchange Commission uses and pays handsomely to SRA International and thus the CIA in many ways,to run not only their IT infrastructure but also allows them to dominate the 'anti-money laundering'business through major national and international banking and brokerage firms as well !!! Can no one not even the GAO or the SEC say or see conflict of interest ? SRA may not only be providing the 'NetOwl' search engine for the CIA and White House but providing software to read your internet posts as well. And so your banking and stock trading activities as well ?

Unfortunately we now learn the SEC itself uses SRA International for its IT work just as the NSA does and the CIA is an investor through In-Q-Tel and thus may have access to Mantas Inc. private banking and stock trading records !! Forbes says SRA is among the best companies to work for.I know one thing and that is that SRA International's Mantas Inc. allowed James Dale Davidson's illegal pump and dump of Endovasc shares,(up to 30 million in one account!),from a single Charles Schwab account to go unnoticed and thus it aided and abetted the stock fraud and illicit enrichment of Steve Forbes pal and phoney National Taxpayers Union founder,James Dale Davidson!!

It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent.And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.And it is the major inventor of software for supposed expertise in 'anti-money laundering'.Mantas Inc. is now spun off to Safegurd Scientific(SFE) yet SRA International hand selected the personel.How close can all these relations get before someone cries conflict of interest and not only in terms of invasion of privacy by new fed internet police but one that through Mantas or similar software made by SRA International,may even be monitoring your stock trading activities with the sole purpose of betting against you ?

If what I am learning about the Beltway's connections to spying not only on internet surfers but on individual investors can be used on a mass scale it will certainly turn out to be that certain intelligencia,maybe with criminal minds,in the Beltway may gain more manipulative control of markets than anyone on Wall Street could hope to do.

.Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

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