Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Guy Debord Film Retrospective

film screenings up in New York City
NOT BORED! presents—


Sunday 5 March 2006

In response to the way he was slandered in the French press during its coverage of the murder of his friend, Gerard Lebovici, on 5 March 1984, Guy Debord withdrew all six of his films from world-wide distribution. It wasn’t until shortly after his death (a suicide) on 30 November 1994 that two of Debord’s films were finally screened on French TV. Finally, in November 2005, Debord’s films were re-released as a collection. Most of these films have never been screened in New York. In this retrospective, all six of Debord’s films will be shown in chronological order and in the original French. No subtitles. Translations and other relevant printed materials will be available.

5 pm Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952)
7 pm Sur le Passage de Quelques Personnes (1959)
8 pm Critique de la Separation (1961)
9 pm La Societe du Spectacle (1973)
11 pm Refutation de tous les Jugements (1975)
midnight In girum imus nocte et consumimu igni (1978)

Tickets: $30 for the whole evening, $20 after 9 pm, $10 after 11 pm.
Doors open at 4:30pm.

217 East 42d Street (between 3rd and 2d Ave.)
New York City


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