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Commentary :: Asia

JNU University in India is Lunatic : SINS OF JNU

Sins of JNU : Anti-India, Anti-Hindu lunatic Leftists-Mullah institution

1.Kargil war the JNU students Union romance with Pakistanis

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In 1999, right in the middle of the Kargil war the JNU students Union arranged an Indo-Pak Mushaira. Three brothers Major K.K.Sharma, Major L.K.Sharma -- and Dr Sharad Sharma asked and received admission to the event so that they may witness the perspectives of the "honored" Pakistani guests.

As the event proceeded at 10 PM, the three were at first shocked and then grew increasingly outraged at the outright India-bashing that was taking place in their presence, but even though they were seething at all the anti-national rhetoric, these gentlemen kept a tight leash on their tempers in the interests of free speech. About an hour later, it was the turn of poetess Fahmida Riyaz, from Pakistan who began her recital with an insulting barrage of verses about how India's decision to go nuclear was the result of a "fundamentalist and self-destructive" policy .

This was a little too much to stomach for the Sharma brothers, who had seen plenty of their brave and courageous friends and relatives being butchered to smithereens in Kargil by the barbarous Jihad brigades of Islamic Pakistan. Ms. Riyaz had not a word to say about the culpability of her own beloved Pakistan in this regard. To hear Ms. Riaz characterizing India as "Fundamentalist and evil" by a woman from the very country which repeatedly thrusts brutal aggression on India in the name of Allah, was just too much to bear for these patriotic fellows. They began booing and chanting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai"

What happened next however is a shocking testament to the depravity and anti-nationalism which is being bred in the JNU environment. Instead of joining in and taking offense at this insult to India, the JNU students instead turned upon the Sharma brothers and began beating up the very Army men who have sacrificed their all to defend India and the freedom that Indian democracy represents. In a desperate attempt to defend themselves, one of the Majors took out his pistol and fired a warning shot into the air. Some of the onlookers later admitted that the Pakistani poets on stage were cursing and insulting the three brave brothers in the most derogatory and obscene language. Some even mocked them saying that they were "Hindu Hijras". The Sharma brothers even as they were being attacked by the mob, had the guts to answer back and remind the Pakistanis about exactly which side acted like Hijras during Kargil.

2. Arunachal Pradesh is not part of India , JNU Students Union resolution , NSUI leader angry over secular left pals

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Originally published : Pioneer

For the Left outfits the Communist camaraderie comes before the interest of the nation. If a resolution, which was defeated in the students' council of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, is anything to go by -- the Communists of the world must unite. Unbelievable it may sound, at the first council meeting of JNU Students Union (JNUSU), the Left outfits voted against a resolution condemning China for repeatedly showing Arunachal Pradesh as not part of India.Zinniah and Manoj, councilors of the National Students Union of India (NSUI), student wing of the Congress, had brought the resolution.

The resolution was defeated by 11 votes, as most of the councilors from Left outfits, namely, Students Federation of India (SFI) and All India Students Federation (AISF) voted against the resolution.The one line resolution reads: "The council condemns the Republic China for continuing to show Arunachal Pradesh as part of its territory." In all, the council discussed 33 items on agenda. The resolutionon Arunachal Pradesh was the eighth item on the list. "Instead of taking a strong note of China's inconsistent policy towards Arunachal Pradesh, SFI and AISF showed the softness as if Arunachal Pradesh is not India's part," Madhumita Chakraborty, JNU unit NSUI president, said."SFI, AISF and AISA representatives voted against the motion, thereby verifying that they actually support the Chinese claim of Arunachal Pradesh being a part of Chinese territory.

Their voting against the motion is a betrayal of the very Constitution of our country and has exposed the anti-national character of the Left," she added.SFI is the student wing of Communist Party of India (Marxist), a major constituent of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), AISF of Communist Party of India (CPI), another Left constituent of the UPA, while All India Students Association (AISA) is the student outfit of CPI-Marxist and Leninst. AISA's Mona Das heads the JNUSU."Arunachal Pradesh is very much a part of Indianterritory, and the people of Arunachal Pradesh have affirmed the pan-Indian character of the Congress by giving it a positive mandate in the recently held assembly elections in the state, rejecting all separatist and isolationist forces," Ms Madhumita Chakraborty added.

Taking strong note of the SFI-AISF-AISA's stand on Arunachal Pradesh, NSUI president said: "People know the Left's history of betrayals. NSUI will not tolerate even an inch of Indian land being claimed by our neighbouring countries, while striving all the time for better relations with them, a fact highlighted by Dr Manmohan Singh's recent participation in the ASEAN summit.""Who can forget the stand of the Left in the 1962 war with China, when they openly supported the Chinese aggression by stating that the war was over a piece of land that India claims to be India's and China claims to be China's. Left outfits owe an explanation to the whole nation for such a blatant anti-national stand," Ms Chakraborty added.TheLeft resolution, which was passed by majority, stated: "The council urges the governments of India and People's Republic of China to speed up the talks between the two countries on various issues including the border talks. This council believes that both the countries need to respect the sovereignty and integrity of each other and all kinds of xenophobic opinion on both sides need to be isolated."

3 JNU communists insult President Bharat Ratna Abdul Kalam

Source :South Asia Tribune, Washington D.C., Feb. 22, 2005

" * Independent thought in India's better universities is alive and well. Office bearers of the Jawaharlal Nehru University students union in Delhi were requested by the university's administration to present flowers to President Abdul Kalam at the annual convocation. They flatly refused, saying that he is a nuclear hawk and an appointee of a Hindu fundamentalist party. Moreover, as young women of dignity they could not agree to act as mere flower girls presenting bouquets to a man. "


4. Jholawallah obscurantism replaces Marxist poppycock

5. JNU 's Secular image is bit dented but Secular Character is preserved

6. The JNU high priests must have cursed the moment they decided to invite Umberto Eco to speak.
Says this report

Celebrated Italian author Umberto Eco left many academics and students at Jawaharlal Nehru University squirming with embarrassed ignorance on Monday.

The reason for ignorance is explained in the same report. Delivering a lecture on " Rasa and Taste", Eco spoke with great scholarly confidence and even greater scholarly tentativeness about Bharata's Natyashastra, Anandavardhana and Avinavagupta, which he had read in translation but few in his audience seemed to be acquainted with.

Few? I dare say that almost none in the "red" audience would've read *about*these Masters leave alone their works. For it is taboo in the Citadel of Indian Marxism. They're banned there for their feudal, backward-looking ideas. Eco heaped further agony on the crowd:

As he constantly struggled, *with a spirit of genuine inquiry, to understand the rasa theories in relation to Western philosophers - St Augustine, David Hume, Kant and Aristotle* - many in Delhi's academia looked as if they were completely at sea.

"You would know, according to Abinavagupta, the ninth rasa is peace and tranquility?" He looked up to find mostly blank faces staring at him in the audience.

7. Attack on Geelani : Nandita Haskar -Naga Seperatists-ISI links : JNU CABAL response

What is the official Paki line on all this?

But, how does the pro-pakistani cabal from JNU play all this out..."bhaad mei jaaye truth-shruth, let us defend the terrorist, and accuse India, like our pay-masters would like us to" again,

Geelani was suspected of being part of a plot to attack the Indian legislature for reasons that had nothing to do with his overt or covert political activity: he was of Kashmiri origin and in contact with relatives still living in the Valley, he was a Muslim in the regime of a "BJP-led" coalition government, and he taught Arabic at a college in Delhi.

Anti-Hindu , Anti-India, leftists prefer to marry JNU graduates : BALAJI SAMPAT of AID married a JNU girl

Source :
.........This lady, did not seemed to give any historical data, but just nodding her head for whatever BS was saying, and saying her own propaganda. Now, its possible that she was, whom BS later married- Kalpana, a JNU graduate and active in a leftists women's organisation

NGO : Anti-Hindu Industry , and JNU's role
Assertive Hindu presence in public spaces and in the Indian polity challenged the sway of Nehruvian secularism and this new breed of foreign-funded, globe-trotting activists began to define explicitly and for the first time since independence the Nehruvian secularist understanding of India. This group derived its intellectual input from Indian academia as represented by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi University, Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) and the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), which best exemplified Nehruvian secularism. Successive Congress governments at the center packed these academic institutions with Marxist historians and ‘scholars’ of pseudo sciences like ‘political science’ and ‘social science’ whose single point agenda was to promote the concept of ‘pluralism’. ‘Pluralism’ or its modern, western nomenclature multi-culturism rose as a ‘civilising’ concept in White-Christian civilizations which were historically intolerant and genocidal towards other world views and other ways of life. Pluralism in the nation-state era of western civilization’s political evolution was therefore made a compulsory virtue of liberal western democracy.

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