Announcement :: Media
The fun fun Allied Media Conference, June 18-20
01 Jun 2004
Clamor Magazine is busily working with some amazing people to host the
Allied Media Conference June 18-20 in Bowling Green, Ohio. In addition to the hundreds of brilliant independent media makers and supporters who will be attending, the AMC will also feature a few more notable highlights.
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Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Culture : Elections & Legislation : Europe : Globalization : History : International Relations : Media : Middle East : Military : Miscellaneous : Peace : Poverty : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
01 Jun 2004
Gabriele Zamparini

Award Winning Documentary on the Voices of Dissent in Bush's America
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Announcement :: Crime & Police
Town Meeting: Stop the Execution of Steven Oken
What: Town meeting
Where: Baltimore's Mount Hope Baptist Church
When: Tonight, June 1, 2004 at 7 PM
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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police
POLICE ATTACK CROWD in SW Baltimore Sunday May 29th 2004
31 May 2004
Ryme Katkhouda dc-radio-coop & WPFW 89.3FM
reposted from:
I got the following report from eye witnesses in South West Baltimore about the police attacking the crowd after the SOWEBO street Festival of Baltimore went overtime. 4 by-standers were arrested including a pregnant women, an elder women and a white young man who was forced to the ground and stunt at least 4 times by the police. The pregnant women who bled and was taken to the hospital is still in police custody at Central Booking in 300 East Madison Street as of this report... They gave me the following phone numbers for further details: The phone numbers for Western District is 410/396-2477 and Central Booking 410/545-8129... They asked that people spread the news and explain what happenned and the unnecessary use of force by the police.
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Memorial Day’s Opposite: Warmongers’ Day
31 May 2004
William Hughes
Why not have a day for Americans to roast the repulsive Warmongers who have instigated this mess in Iraq? Don’t they deserve to be pilloried with a national day of their own? I propose that Halloween, Oct. 31st, serve jointly as Warmongers’ Day. Images of the entire Bush-Cheney Gang should be brought forth on that occasion. It is time for the nation to pay them back, symbolically at least, for their revolting hawkish schemes.
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
new Mickey Z. book: A Gigantic Mistake
Articles and Essay for Your Intellectual Self-Defense
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News :: Protest Activity
South Korea, MSSC Struggle Weekend
30 May 2004
Last weekend, here it is now Monday, we celebrated the 200th day of our sit-in struggle strike in Myeong-dong, downtown Seoul.
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And Remember, Honey, Don't Forget the PNAC
30 May 2004
Mark Drolette
Just what, exactly, is PNAC? Some kind of soft drink? A new type of snack? Unfortunately, PNAC affects our well-being much more adversely than could any junk food. To see why, and also for details on other oddball groups with strange agendas of which we should be wary, read on.
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