Announcement :: Crime & Police
Town Meeting: Stop the Execution of Steven Oken
What: Town meeting
Where: Baltimore's Mount Hope Baptist Church
When: Tonight, June 1, 2004 at 7 PM
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Meeting to stop the execution of Steven Oken on TUESDAY, JUNE 1, at 7 pm, in MT. HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH aT 1716 Gwynns Falls Pkwy (corner of Gwynns Falls Pkwy and Reisterstown Rd, across the street from the Mondawmin Mall
parking lot).
SPEAKERS include:
--Darby Tillis (a survivor of Illinois' Death Row),
--Shujaa Graham (a survivor of California's Death Row),
--Jerome Nickerson (attorney specializing in death penalty cases),
--Mike Lawlor (attorney for Steven Oken),
--Rev. Donald Bates (Pastor of Mt. Hope and brother-in-law of death row
inmate Vernon Evans),
--Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk (Baltimore Hebrew Congregation)