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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police

POLICE ATTACK CROWD in SW Baltimore Sunday May 29th 2004

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I got the following report from eye witnesses in South West Baltimore about the police attacking the crowd after the SOWEBO street Festival of Baltimore went overtime. 4 by-standers were arrested including a pregnant women, an elder women and a white young man who was forced to the ground and stunt at least 4 times by the police. The pregnant women who bled and was taken to the hospital is still in police custody at Central Booking in 300 East Madison Street as of this report... They gave me the following phone numbers for further details: The phone numbers for Western District is 410/396-2477 and Central Booking 410/545-8129... They asked that people spread the news and explain what happenned and the unnecessary use of force by the police.
Here is the press release I got, followed by the text of the email report I got on breakingnews@wpfw.


Contact: J.L. Ghaffir J’s FX @ Nowchild Voice Jlynn_jfx (at) 410.984.3778 Nowchild Voice
For Immediate Release

Bring the Violence - Bring the Noise?
Baltimore Cops End Peaceful Festival with Batons and Stun Guns

Baltimore, MD May 30, 2004: Baltimore City Officers’ use of extreme force with festival goers at the close of the annual “SoWeBo Festival,” was the only incident of violence that occurred throughout the yearly cultural arts festival held in the southwest area of Baltimore City.

It was during the performance of the socially conscious, Reggae/Rock band “Living Proof” that the commotion began. There was some misunderstanding between festival organizers and city officers about the time the festival was scheduled to end. Without warning, officers are said to have physically shut off sound and told the crowd to “get ready for the real show.”

Officers walked toward the stage, through the crowd of fifty or more people, with police batons in hand. The walked up onto the stage, apparently prepared for a confrontation with the band. There was none. Members of “Living Proof” obliged the officers and shut down the show.

When officers began to instruct patrons to leave the area, it became clear that were looking for a confrontation. This time, they found it with an unknown Caucasian male, obviously inebriated from the days’ festivities. When the man did not respond as quickly as the officers wanted, witnesses say two officers forced the young man to the ground and another 3 - 5 officers proceeded to hold him down and hit him with batons. While the man was clearly down on the ground and not moving, other officers reportedly used his taser stun gun on the man more than five times. Witnesses claim the man’s body was visibly shaking in response. Unfortunately, this is only the first of four violent incidents incited by Baltimore City Officers.

Patrons became upset by police behavior, among them a gentleman of African descent, who was standing close by with his wife and small children. He explained to officers that their behavior was inappropriate, particularly in front of his, and other, children. He and his family moved along, but officers approached him aggressively. When questioned by the man, officers responded by grabbing him forcibly and placing him under arrest. His wife clung to him, explaining that he did nothing wrong and asking the officers to release him. Instead, his wife - who is with child - was also arrested.

The police violence did not stop there. Witnesses say once the couple was in police custody, friends and family came to secure the couple’s children and get them to safety. An elder Rastafarian woman, Mother Saray, was holding the couple’s son in her arms, apparently pacing back and forth to calm the child. A female officer approached the small group of 6-7 people and told Mother Saray to put the child down. Witnesses say the family members asked why, explaining to the officer that Mother Saray is family. The officer proceeded to grab her by the shoulder so hard that witnesses say the baby almost fell to the ground. Next the officer dragged Mother Saray into the street, and she and two other officers carried her into the police van also.

Many community members asked officers for their names and badge numbers and are planning to make subsequent contact with supervisors. Among the officers who used unwarranted force, witnesses have identified Officers Wolf, Green and Langley, though reports conclude that there were others.
At this point, the gentleman has been released, but his wife - who remains in police custody - was reportedly taken to a local emergency room due to pregnancy related bleeding that began after she was arrested. Family and friends are concerned for her and the health of her child as a result of the suspicious injuries. Mother Saray has also been released and is currently receiving medical treatment for a busted lip and injuries to both of her sides and her back. Community members are planning to stage a protest in response to the increase in violent and aggressive behavior by Baltimore City Police Officers.

For more information contact Jendayi Lynn, Lady President of UNIA_ACL #460,
@ black_cross_460 (at), or 410.984.3778.


"Sunday May 30 2004 the new MOVE Film by Cohort Media was shown at NowChild Soundstage Baltimore MD. Friends of MOVE, [an intentional African American community living in Philadelphia] would like to thank Judah and Minister of being courageous to show the film and commit to show again nxt month. Judah and Minister are also members of a band "Living Proof". After the showing We went to the SOWEBO Festival of Baltimore to see their performance. They opened with Bob Marley's song in their version "I Shot the Sheriff"; then the next song was intitaled "Oppression" dedicating the song to MOVE and the MOVE 9 (Judah made the dedication. He said 20 something when the blockade was intact against MOVE he organized a food, etc. drive to take up to Philly). During the performance cops came into the crowd swinging bully clubs (mostly black cops inctuding one cowardly crap having locks). Judah saw this from the stage and said so on the mike and the stopped plyaing. A witness said the a cop went over to the sound and told to turn the sound off THEN THE COP SAID NOW THE BIG ??? WILL BEGIN. The cops swinging and hitting charged a White individual who was against a pole hitting him down to the ground kneeing him in the back, They proceeded to use a zap/sting gun repeatedly against him so many times as Minister said you could pop popcorn. The was detained. A Father (Zane) said not in front of the children who were toddlers crying in hooror.. As Zane went around the block he was arrested along with his wife Keisha. Their baby was handed over the Mama Sayad who is like a Rastafarian and grandmother to all the children and "mother" to one of the parents of the baby. A white cop yelled put the baby down; Mama Sayad had barely enough time to hand the baby to someone when she is yaked by cops on her shoulder and thrown/dragged on the ground then arrested. The childrn were hollering and crying for the ir mothers. A family friend has the baby and children of Zane and Keisha. All were arrested were charged with disorderly conduct and the white indidual was also charged with asalting a police officer even though they had him down. Mother Farika said she had heard on the radio that wilson goode was in town to receive an award because people were calling into a talk radio show to voice that he should not receive any reward. We will confirm if that is true and what reward. Due to the fact we do not know the slave names it is hard to get any info on the status of those arrested. When I called Western District cop station an Officer Teal said she could not reveal any information since this was under investigation. System procedure is all areested should be taken to Central Booking of Baltimore. The phone numbers for Western District 410/396-2477 and Central Booking 410/545-8129

Free the MOVE9! Free MUMIA! Free Marshall Eddie Conway! Free All Political Prisoners 2600 Rastafari Prisoners in NY State out of total prisoners?!


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