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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

new Mickey Z. book: A Gigantic Mistake

Articles and Essay for Your Intellectual Self-Defense
"Your essays are very similar to the stuff Emma Goldman was saying back in 1898."
--Chuck 0, Infoshop News

"You write well; it's too bad you're on the wrong side."
--Peter F. Vallone, Jr., New York City Council Member, District 22

My third book, "A Gigantic Mistake: Articles and Essays for Your Intellectual Self-Defense" is now available on-line from Library Empyreal...and can be ordered here:

Complete with an offbeat "anti-introduction" from Howard Zinn, this collection of 45 articles (with a few haiku tossed in to keep things flowing) challenges conventional wisdom on just about everything...from what we eat to how wars are fought to where the lottery money really goes.

"America is gigantic...but a gigantic mistake."
--Sigmund Freud

"A Gigantic Mistake" (GM) rocks foundations by asking some big (and not-so-big) questions:

Does George W. Bush have brain damage?
Can computers really play chess?
Why does every refrigerator have a meat drawer, butter shelf, and egg rack?
How come the bombing of Iraq provoked more protest than the bombing of
Why don't rats burp or vomit?
When will Billy Blanks pay me the $150 he owes me?

If you have the time and/or interest, here are 10 ways you can help get GM rolling:

1. Buy the book. Read it. Tell others about it. When people around you (inevitably) bring up one or more of the topics covered in GM, let them know about the book.
2. If you like GM, go to Amazon and write a review (5 stars would be nice).
3. Request it at bookstores and libraries you visit. If they don't have it, ask them to order a copy and follow-up if you can.
4. Suggest it as material for reading groups.
5. Write a letter to the editor about it and ask publications and/or websites to review it.
6. If you know ANYONE connected to the media (print, TV, radio, web), tell them about the book and/or pass along their contact info to me.
7. Give the book as a gift.
8. Add a link to your website (contact Sean Wallace:
9. Keep me in mind as a speaker for any events involving current events, history, or the media for groups interested in those topics.
10. Send this e-mail out to your contact list and keep awareness of GM growing. It's said we each know 250 people. Each of them, it follows, know 250 people. Why not tell your 250 about GM? If even one-third of those who get this e-mail in the next week or so buy GM...well, it would make the best seller list while rocking some foundations. How about that?

Thanks for your support. If you have any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


Mickey Z.

P.S. My fourth book, "The Seven Deadly Spins: Exposing the Lies Behind War Propaganda," is also on the way...and can be pre-ordered here:

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