Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Media

The fun fun Allied Media Conference, June 18-20

Clamor Magazine is busily working with some amazing people to host the Allied Media Conference June 18-20 in Bowling Green, Ohio. In addition to the hundreds of brilliant independent media makers and supporters who will be attending, the AMC will also feature a few more notable highlights.
How about: a keynote address from Mark Hosler of Negativland; a special guest performance by The Evens (featuring Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina); and a mini film festival presented by Rooftop Films and featuring a preview screening of filmmaker Esther Bell's newest feature "Exist." For Indymedia workers, there'll be a US IMC caucus and a discussion of independent coverage of the Republican National Convention.

If you're still not convinced, maybe the 29 informative and relevant sessions, late night bowling party, and live music show all for $25 will sway you. Check out for all the details you need to make your plans to attend one of the year's largest celebrations of independent media.


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