News :: Civil & Human Rights
Better than I ever did
01 Sep 2004
Johnny Wizard
It should also be noted his faithful wife, spends her
days, phoning wives of other potential bush bitch nazi
whores, encouraging them to support the war crimes of
her husband, by not mentioning the treason that
foreigner Saudi blount has dedicated the sacrifice of
American soldiers for.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Latin America
Eyewitness Venezuela
31 Aug 2004
Steven Ceci
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News :: Protest Activity
: Revolutionary Reporting Live from the RNC
Revolutionary RNC Coverage - Ongoing!
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Interview :: Labor
31 Aug 2004
Ken Nash & Mimi Rosenberg
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK.
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Personal notes on A-29
31 Aug 2004
Howard J. Ehrlich

IMCer editorial collective member shares his personal observations on a summer day's walk in NYC
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An Open Letter to Lady Margaret Thatcher
Mark Thatcher, son of Lady Margaret Thatcher, is in big trouble. He was charged in South Africa, with helping to finance a planned coup in oil rich Equatorial Guinea. He is under house arrest, on $300,000 bail. Equatorial Guinea is looking to extradite him on the same charges. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe may want to get their hands on him, too. Baroness Thatcher is naturally distraught. The Open Letter offers some advice and historical context.
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"We know who you are, and where you live..."
30 Aug 2004
The Counter Revolutionary
Commentary regarding the federal investigation concerning the recent posting of Republican National Convention Deligate names and contact information on an indymedia web site.
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Announcement :: Protest Activity
HELP! Bail $ Needed in NYC!
Hey friends, please try to help these folks!
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News :: [none]
Baltimore's "Free Books!" Charity in Dire Straits
30 Aug 2004
I spend anywhere from three to eight hours every week sweating along
with a motley crew of local misfits, shelving, sorting, and hauling ton
after ton of written matter in a rowhouse basement in Baltimore. We
have no heat nor air conditioning, but still, every week, we come and
work. Volunteer night is Wednesday, but many of us also work on the
weekends, when we're open to the public. There are times when we're
freezing and we have to wear coats and gloves inside, making handling
books somewhat tricky; other times, we're all soaked with sweat, since
it's 90 degrees out and the basement is thick with bodies. One learns
to forget about personal space when working at
The Book Thing,
since you can scarcely breathe without bumping into someone, and we are
all so accustomed to having to scrape by each other that most of us no
longer bother to say "excuse me" unless some particularly dramatic
brushing occurs.
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