Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

"We know who you are, and where you live..."

Commentary regarding the federal investigation concerning the recent posting of Republican National Convention Deligate names and contact information on an indymedia web site.

As you are no doubt aware by now, an Indymedia site has posted the names and personal contact information of Republican national convention delegates. What this is, in actuality, is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate, through what could very reasonably be considered an implied threat, for purposes of discouraging participation in the democratic process. The United States of America is not the Weimar Republic. Peaceful and orderly public expressions of dissent are indeed a crucial part of our political heritage. However, our political future is not formulated through threats made by street gangs, but rather by the collective will of the majority of our citizens.

Consequently, an investigation by federal law enforcement agencies has been initiated against the web site operators, who predictably are screaming free speech, government intimidation of dissent, etc. etc. etc. Such hypocrisy is so transparent as to indeed be laughable. In almost the same breath, the home page proudly boasts of its prominent role in "a relentless verbal assault campaign on Republican delegates trying to hide out in Broadway theaters. "Republican scum! Your time has come!" Interesting how some value free speech above all else.... As long as they're the ones doing the talking.


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