Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Protest Activity

HELP! Bail $ Needed in NYC!

Hey friends, please try to help these folks!
On the 29th 240 people were arrested here in NYC. Out of these, a dozen or so have been slapped with really high bails from the courts.

Basically, we are looking at at least 200,000 dollars worth of bails, some at 5,000, one as high as 100,000.

Please lend your support, donate, help fundraise, and spread the word. These friends were on the streets against the Bush Regime and risked their bodies, safety, and so-called freedom to the cause and have been pinned down for this reason.

There will be a re-post soon about where to send $, more specifics, and other general info on some of the detainees.

Please help! Punk shows, bake sales, projects, donations, whatever works!

In solidarity,
A Fellow Participant

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