tex and the city
04 Sep 2004
jeffery mcnary
this essay explores the tone of the democrat and republican conventions.
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News :: [none]
Newspaper Coverage of A-29
04 Sep 2004
Howard J. Ehrlich
This report analyzes the NY Times, Wasington Post, USA TODAY, and Baltimore Sun's treatment of the Sunday, August 29 demonstration of 500,000 people in New York City. It ends with some commnets on the role of the alternative press.
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BTL:Imagine Festival Combines Art and Politics in Cultural Counterpoint to...
04 Sep 2004
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...GOP Convention ~ Interview with Chris Wangro, co-founder and an executive producer, of the Imagine Festival of Arts, Issues and Ideas, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism
Book reading/discussion - "The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord. This Sunday!!
Book reading and Discussion club starting up in Baltimore. First reading - "The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord"
Get Involved!!
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Announcement :: International Relations
Free Palestine Radio
03 Sep 2004
Let the voice of resistance against imperialist oppression and racist ethnic cleansing rumble from your speakers!
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News :: International Relations
United Nations votes to End Syrian Occupation of Lebanon
02 Sep 2004
People of Free Lebanon

To all those working to free their country from the Syrian occupation,
To the 250,000 who died in Lebanon,
to the thousands who died in the Syrian prisons under torture,
to the hundreds that are still bearing the torture in the Syrian prisons,
to the millions that were forced to leave their country of Lebanon due to persecution,
to the Hundreds are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned and even killed just for calling for Lebanon freedom,.
…and to the Lebanese universities youth, engineers, physicians, lawyers, teachers and all society members who are leading a peaceful revolution to implement the UN Security Council.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Jew Killer
02 Sep 2004
Johnny Wizard
This is why CNN and the like have
always refused to air the comments of those who live in
those stolen homes, for, like when Frontline aired years
ago, only once, their ungodly darkness of self contempt
through blatant racist bigotry, doesn't make for
daylight copy, especially when repuglicons are expecting
their personal kickback checks through the AIPAC by
victimizing US godly Christians.
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
GRANDPA JEANMARRY: Granpa, I am 7 years old, and I die
FOR the CHILDREN OF the WORLD, the unicef helps
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