News :: International Relations
United Nations votes to End Syrian Occupation of Lebanon
To all those working to free their country from the Syrian occupation,
To the 250,000 who died in Lebanon,
to the thousands who died in the Syrian prisons under torture,
to the hundreds that are still bearing the torture in the Syrian prisons,
to the millions that were forced to leave their country of Lebanon due to persecution,
to the Hundreds are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned and even killed just for calling for Lebanon freedom,.
…and to the Lebanese universities youth, engineers, physicians, lawyers, teachers and all society members who are leading a peaceful revolution to implement the UN Security Council.
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Sep 2, 2004
UN Security Council just issued Resolution 1559 that calls for the Syrian regime to pull its occupation troops from Lebanon and to quit its interfering in its internal affair.
The Syrian army occupies most of Lebanon, including the main airport. It harbors and all vital agencies with 30,000 troops and about 20,000 intelligence agents. Syria detains hundreds of Lebanese in its prisons without charges, and refuses to implement UN Security Council resolution No. 520 (of 1982)that calls for pullout of non-Lebanese troops from Lebanon.
Lebanon was one of the very few democracies in the entire Middle East with a constitution that goes back to 1926. Today, being occupied by the Syrian regime for the past 28 years, Lebanon lost its major features of democracy and human right
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Syrian Occupation of Lebanon:
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