News :: Elections & Legislation : Media : U.S. Government
19 Oct 2004
Sick of the daily bombardment of polls showing Kerry running "neck-and-neck" with Bush? Feeling demoralized? Don't be! Most of the polls are a bunch of baloney. Here are seven reasons not to trust the polls -- along with some insights into why Big Media chieftains oppose and fear the Kerry/Edwards ticket. (Did you know that John Kerry and John Edwards OPPOSE media consolidation?)
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media : Miscellaneous
Oct 20 9am Your Voice is Needed for Public Access TV
"We the people demand a final negotiation of the Comcast contract before a final vote by the City Council"
Public Hearing before the Board of Estimates on the Proposed Contract with Comcast Cable: Public Access TV hangs in the Balance
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 9:00 AM
City Hall, 100 N. Holliday St.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Culture : Economy : Economy : Economy : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Media : Miscellaneous : Peace : Poverty : Right Wing : U.S. Government
UB's History Honor Society presents: The Manchurian Candidate
19 Oct 2004

Announcement for Phi Alpha Theta (UB's history honor society), UB Progressives, and UB's chapter of NLG's showing of John Frankenheimer's 1962 film, "The Manchurian Candidate"
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News :: Activism : Peace : Protest Activity
An act of conscience
19 Oct 2004
Daniel Borgström
"Your Honor," Rosemarie Jackowski addressed the court at her sentencing hearing, "How can it be that a Nation, that is itself in violation of the law, can then hope to impose the Rule of Law on its citizens?"
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Kerry is more than just a County!
19 Oct 2004
Guerrero de la Luna
Defend yourself from self-defeat,
Don't let Bush lull you into other four years!
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Announcement :: Activism : Elections & Legislation : Media
Pressure Local Sinclair Affiliates
19 Oct 2004
Concerned Media Reformer

Sinclair Coporate Headquarters is pressuring local affiliates to broadcast a 40-minute political attack ad in the form of a "news" item. Sinclair's Washington bureau chief, Jon Leiberman, said he was fired for his public criticism of the company's plans to produce the program. There are cracks in the Sinclair armor, and we need to hammer on them. Here's an EASY way to do it at the local level.
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News :: Protest Activity
S. KOREA. 10.19/Last Week's Struggle Report...
19 Oct 2004
KCTU/ETU-MB MSSC (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective), now since 338 days in strike against the policy of mass arrests and deportations, for legalization, work visa, human and labor rights for migrant workers.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
CBC Airs Documentary: The World According to Bush
19 Oct 2004
CBC Newsworld
Download and watch this excellent documentary on the Bush Administration which complements and supports Michael Moore's film, Farenheit 911.
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Announcement :: Activism
Baltimore Anarchist Community List
19 Oct 2004
Baltimore Anarchist Community
A new e-mail mailing list has been set up towards fostering communication and aiding building a more supportive Baltimore Anarchist Community.
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Bring the Ruckus: "The Color of Authority" by Roy San Filipo
19 Oct 2004
One of the most compelling aspects of anarchism is its holistic approach to human freedom. “We are opposed to all forms of domination and oppression” is a phrase that appears almost universally in every statement of purpose and political statement of anarchist collectives and projects.
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